Chemtable Software

Refund Policy

Chemtable Software Refund Policy <p>Chemtable Software offers 30-day money back guarantee for Reg Organizer, Soft Organizer Pro and Files Inspector Pro. The money back guarantee is made by Chemtable Software only. It is not applicable for orders placed from Chemtable Software resellers or partners or any other unauthorized channels. </p> <p>No Refund Circumstances</p> <p>1. Product price differences between different regions or price differences between Chemtable Software website and its resellers or other companies. </p> <p>2. A refund request for order exceeds 30 days. However, if a refund request claiming encountering technical problem after an software update, we can make an exception privately and make a refund after considering the request. </p> <p>Refund request may be placed by the following link: </p> <p>If you have any questions about this Refund Policy, please contact us by email: </p> <p>Updated: October 13, 2021</p>

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