Privacy Policy Your privacy is important to us! <p>Here at FunSlurp we do not sell or share any of the information you provide us.
We hate spam just as much as you do!</p>
<p>Please do not hesitate to contact us for any reason at all.
<p>We love to talk!<br> Sincerely,</p>
<p>Michael, Owner <br></p> How We Use Information:
<p>We only use your information to complete the order placed.
We never share or sell your information. .
If shipping to someone else we only use that information to successfully fullfill the order.  .
Email addresses are used to conduct business with FunSlurp and only FunSlurp.</p> Information We Collect:
<p>When placing an order with FunSlurp the following information is collected.
It is not shared or sold to any third parties.</p>
Email address<br>
Phone number<br>
Credit/Debit Card<br>
</p> Anti-Spam:
<p>We despise spam.
We will send you emails to notify you on the status of your order.</p>
Children's Privacy:
<p>We especially care about children here at funslurp.
We never collect information at our website from those we know are under 13 years old.</p> Data Security
<p>All data collected is processed through our secure SSL server.
We do not store or keep your credit card information on file.
Your protection is our highest priority.</p>
<p>If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us!</p>