
Cookie Policy

Cookies &amp. Tracking Notice <p>Effective starting: Dec 1, 2020</p> Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies: <p>Sejda and our third party partners use various technologies to collect information, such as cookies and web beacons.</p> What types of technologies do we use? <p>We use cookies, web beacons and other technologies to improve and customize our products and websites ("the Services") and your experience. to allow you to access and use the Services without re-entering your username or password. to understand usage of our Services and the interests of our customers. to determine whether an email has been opened and acted upon.</p> How do we use them? <ul> <li> <strong>For security.</strong> These cookies and other technologies are essential in order to enable the Services to provide the feature you have requested, such as remembering you have logged in. Examples of such cookies are 'User_Ticket' to remember who is logged in, 'clientId' and '__cfduid' for security. </li> <li> <strong>For functionality.</strong> These cookies and similar technologies remember choices you make such as that a feature has been turned off or a notice has been viewed. We use these cookies to provide you with an experience more appropriate with your selections and to make your use of the Services more tailored. </li> </ul> How can you opt-out? Opt out choices <p>You can opt out from features which set cookies or might track you.</p> <p> Opt out from Analytics </p> <p> Opt out from Google Drive and Sign-in integration </p> <p> Opt out from Dropbox integration </p> <br> <p>Your choices will affect your next visits using this browser.</p> <p>You will not be able to opt-out of any cookies or other technologies that are "strictly necessary" for the Services.</p> Configuring your browser <p>To opt-out of our use of cookies, you can instruct your browser, by changing its options, to stop accepting cookies or to prompt you before accepting a cookie from websites you visit. If you do not accept cookies, however, you may not be able to use all aspects of our Services.</p> <p>Many browsers include their own management tools for removing HTML5 local storage objects.</p> <p>Our services honor Do Not Track preferences, opting you out from Analytics. Do Not Track (DNT) is a privacy preference you can set in your web browser to indicate that you do not want certain information about your webpage visits collected across websites when you have not interacted with that service on the page. For all the details, including how to turn on Do Not Track, visit</p> Cookie Table <p>Cookies that we commonly use are listed below. This list is not exhaustive, but describes the main reasons we typically set cookies.</p> NamePurpose User_Ticketsecurity __cfduidsecurity clientIdsecurity Updates to this Notice <p>This Cookies &amp. Tracking Notice may be updated from time to time. If we make any changes, we will notify you by revising the "effective starting" date at the top of this notice.</p>

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