
Privacy Statement

Home / Privacy Policy <b>eQualitie’s Website Privacy Policy</b> <b>Contact forms</b> <p>When you complete a questionnaire or a web form on this website, we will collect and store the following personal data you may provide:</p> <ul> <li>your name, if provided</li> <li>phone number, if provided</li> <li>email, if provided</li> <li>attachments, if provided</li> <li>all responses to our questions, if provided</li> <li>Your computer’s IP address, when submitting the form</li> </ul> <b>Cookies</b> <p>Our website uses cookies, please see the cookie policy.</p> <b>Analytics</b> <p>Your information is accessed only by eQualitie for the purposes of providing this service to you.</p> <b>Who we share your data with</b> <p>By default we will not share your data with anyone. On occasion, we will share your personal data only with the people and/or organizations listed on the page requesting personal data.</p> <b>How long we retain your data</b> <p>Your personal data will be retained for 12 months from the date of collection, unless otherwise explicitly stated in the explanatory text next to the consent checkbox. We will contact you should we require additional consent thereafter. If we do not receive a response from you, we will securely wipe your data from our systems.</p> <b>What rights you have over your data</b> <p>Your personal data is protected by PIPEDA. You retain full rights of your personal data and may contact us to request what personal data we hold on your behalf, or to delete it.</p> <p>If you have submitted personal data on this site, you can request its deletion by writing to us using the contact form. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.</p> <b>Where we send your data</b> <p>Your replies may be checked through an automated spam detection service.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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