
Privacy Policy

Page 1 of 12,Privacy Policy,Last update: 23/07/2021 Version: 2.0,This privacy policy governs the processing of personal data collected through the website,, the related mobile applications and services (collectively, “Website”).,Please read this document carefully to make sure that you understand how we handle your,personal data. If you have any further questions regarding our data protection,practices, please feel free to contact us.,Our privacy policy explains in detail:,•What personal data (“PD”) and non-personal data (“NPD”) we collect from you, for what ,purposesweuseit,howweprotectit,andhowweshareitwiththirdparties;,•How you can access and change your PD and how you can limit our sharing ofit. and,•Your legal rights that you have with respect to yourPD.,The topics covered in this privacy policy include:,1.General InformationandDefinitions1,2.Types and Purposes of PD and NPD thatWeProcess2,3.Sharing Your PD and NPD withThirdParties4,4.Transfer of PD OutsideYourCountry6,5.Retaining and Destroying Your PDand NPD7,6.Your Rights RegardingYourPD7,7.Protec ting the Privacy Rights ofThirdParties9,8.Do NotTrackSettings9,9.Links toThird-PartyWebsites9,10.ProtectingChildren’sPrivacy9,11.OurEmailPolicy9,12.OurSecurity Policy10,13.Personalised(Targeted)Advertising10,14.Term and Changes to OurPrivacy Policy11,15.ContactUs12,1.GeneralInformationandDefinitions,1.1About the Website. The Website allows you to play old retro abandonwaregames.,1.2Our role as a data controller. The entity that is responsible for the processing of your,PD though the Website is Landocs Ventures LTD having an address at Hasaham 30,,Petah tiqwa, 49517 Is rael (“we”, “us”, and “our”). We act as a data controller withregard,Page 2 of 12,to yourPDcollectedthroughthe Website(e .g., whenyou register your useraccount,,browse the Website, or communicate with us) because we make decisions about the types,of PD that should be collected from you and the purposes for which such PD should be,used.,1.3Applicable laws. We process PD in accordance with applicable data protectionlaws,,including, but not limited to, the Is raeli Protection of Privacy Law, the EU General Data Protection,Regulation (“GDPR”), and the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”).,1.4Definitions.Inthisprivacypolicy,youwillencounterrecurrentterms.Foryour,convenience, we would like to explain what theymean:,•“NPD” means non-personal data that does not allow us to identify you in anymanner;,•“PD” means personal data,i.e., any information relating to an identifiedor identifiable,naturalperson;an identifiablenaturalperson isone whocanbeidentified,directlyor,indirectly,byreferencetoanidentifier suchasaname,an identification number,,locationdata, anonlineidentifierortooneormorefactorsspecifictothephysical,,physiological, genetic,mental,economic,culturalorsocialidentity of that natural,person.PDis inmanywaysthesameasPersonallyIdentifiableInformation (PII).,However, PD is broader in scope and covers moredata.,•“Visitor” is someone who merely browses our Website. A “member” is someonewho,has registered with us to use our services. The terms“ user”, “you”, and “your” a re,collective identifiers that refer to either a visitor or a member.,•“Consent” means a freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous agreement to the,processing ofPD.,•“Data controller” means the entity that determines the purposes and means ofthe,processing of PD.,•“Data processor” meansa natural or legalperson,publicauthority,agencyor other,body which processes personal data on behalf of the datacontroller.,•“Processing” means the use of PD in any manner, including, but not limitedto,,collection, storage, erasure, transfer, and disclosure of personal data.,1.5Cookies. WeusecookiesontheWebsite.Formoreinformation onthetypesand,purposesofourcookies,pleaserefertoourcookiepolicyavailableat,,2.TypesandPurposesofPDandNPDthatWeProcess,2.1PD that we collect. We comply with data minimisationprinciplesand collectonlya,minimal amount of PD that is necessary to ensure your proper use of the Website. The,types ofPDthat wecollectandprocessare listedbelow.WeprocessyourPDonlyfor,specified and legitimate purposes explicitly mentioned in this privacy policy. In short, we,will use your PDonly for the purposes of enablingyou to use the full functionality of the,Website, providingyou withtherequestedservices,maintaining and improving the,Website, conductingresearch aboutourbusinessactivities,administrative purposes,and,replyingtoyourenquiries. Thedetaileddescription ofthepurposes andlegalbasisfor,processing of your PD is providedbelow.,Page 3 of 12,Situation/PDPurposeLegal basis,When you register your user,account, we collect your:,•Emailaddress,•Username,•Password,•Picture,When you register your user ,account by using your,Facebook account, we collect,your:,•Emailaddress,•Fullname,•Picture,•Other information that you,allow Facebook toshare,•To create and maintain your user•Performing acontract,accountwith you,•To provide access to theWebsite•Pursuing our legitimate,•To provide you with the,requested services,•To contact you, ifnecessary,•To ensure security of theWebsite,business interests(i.e.,,to ensuresecurity),•Your consent(optional,personaldata),When you contact us by email or,through the contact form, we ,collect your:,•Name,•Emailaddress•Your consent (for ,•Information you provide in,yourmessage,▪To respond to yourenquiries•Pursuing our legitimate ,▪To provide you with the,requested information,business interests (i.e., ,to grow and promote our,business),optional personaldata),When you use the Website, we ,collect your:,•IPaddress,•Cookie-related data ,(please refer to our cookie,policy for more ,information),•To analyse, improve, and,evaluate our businessactivities,•To personalise the Website for your,location,•To ensure security of theWebsite,•Pursuing our legitimate,business interests (i.e.,,to analyse and,improve our business ,activities and ensure,security),•Your consent (forcertain,cookie-relateddata),When you are served ,advertisement on the Website, the,following PD and NPD is collected,from you:*,•IPaddress;,•Geographic location;,•AdvertisingID;,•Your access and use patterns;,and,•Information about redirection,toother websitesrelatedto,theadvertisement.,*Please refer to section 13 for,more information.,•To tailor the advertisement toyou;•Your consent;or,•To retarget content toyou;,•To personalise your experience on ,the Website.,•Pursuing our legitimate,business interests(i.e.,,to support and expand ,ourbusiness).,2.2NPD that we collect. When you use the Website, we automatically receive information,from your webbrowser or mobile device. This info rmation includes the name of the,website from which you entered our Website, if any, as well as the name of thewebsite you’ll,Page 4 of 12,visit when you leave our Website. This information also includes your Internetservice,provider’s name, your web browser type, the type of mobile device, your computer operating,system, and data about your browsing activity when using our Website. We use all this NPD,to (i) analyse trends among our users to help improve our Website, (ii) identify and fix errors,,and (iii) develop additional features andservices.,2.3PD obtained from third parties. When using the Website, you can choose to permit,or res trict services, functionalities, and integra tions provided by third parties, including, but,not limited to, social media service providers (“Third-Party Services”). Once enabled,the,providers of the Third-Party Servicesmay share certain informa tion and PD with us,,subject to the p rivacy policy of the Third-Party Services. We will use such PD only for the,purposes for whichit wasprovided. Youare strongly encouragedto check care fully the,privacy settings and notices of the Third-Party Services to understand what information,may be disclosed tous.,2.4What Happens If You Don’t Give Us Your PD? If you do not provide us with the PD,when requested, we may not be able to provide you with all our produc ts and se rvices.,However, you can access and use some parts of our Websitewithout giving us your PD.,2.5Sensitive data. We do not intentionally collect special categories of personaldata,(‘sensitive data’), such as opinions about your religious and political beliefs, racial origins,,membership of a professional or trade association, or information about sexualorientation.,2.6Your feedback. If you contact us, we may keep records of any questions,complaints,or compliments made by you and the response, if any. Where possible, we will de-identify your PD.,Please note that de-identified PD is also considered to be NPD.,2.7Aggregated data. In case your NPD is combined with certain elements of your PD ina,way that allows us to identify you, we will handle such aggregated data as PD. If your PD,is de-identified in a way that it can no longer be associated with an identified or identifiable,natural person, it will not be considered PD and we may use it for any legitimate business,purpose.,3.SharingYourPDandNPDwithThirdParties,3.1Selling your PD and NPD. WE DO NOT SELL YOUR PD TO THIRD PARTIES FOR,MARKETING OR OTHER PURPOSES. The term “sell” refers to selling, renting, releasing,,disclosing,disseminating,makingavailable, transferring, or otherwise communicating,orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, your PD by us to another business or a,third party for monetary or other valuable consideration. For data aggregation purposes,,we may use your NPD, which might be sold to other parties at our discretion. Any such,data aggregation would not contain any of yourPD.,3.2Sharing PD with our data processors. If necessary for the purposes listed below,we,will share your PD specified in section 2.1 with our third-party service providers we hire to,provide services to us (“Our Processors”). Our Processors include, but are not limited to,,webanalytics companies,advertising networks, callcentres, data managementse rvices,,help desk providers, accountants, law firms, auditors, shopping cart and emailservice,providers. The disclosure of your PD to Our Processors is limited to the situations when such,data is required for the followingpurposes:,Page 5 of 12,Ensuring the proper operation of ourWebsite;,Ensuring the delivery of the services requested byyou;,Providing you with the requestedinformation;,Pursuing our legitimate businessinterests;,Enforcing our rights, preventing fraud, and securitypurposes;,Carrying out our contractualobligations;,Law enforcement purposes;or,If you provide your prior consent to such adisclosure.,3.3List of Our Processors. We will share your personal data only with Our Processors,that ag ree to ensure an adequate level of pro tection of pe rsonal data that is consistent,with this privacy policy and the applicable data pro tection laws. Our Processors that may,have access to your PD are listedbelow.,ServiceNameMore information,Location,Hosting service,provider,Linode &amp. Amazon ,(AWS),Linode hosting – ,Texas, US,AWS – Virginia,US,Business analytics ,service provider,Google AnalyticsUnited States,Header bidding,partner,AdapexUnited States,Email service ,provider,SendgridUnited States,Technical support ,service providers,IT SyndicateIT SyndicateHongKong,FreshdeskUnited States,Automated Video ,advertising partner,PrimisIsrael,Advertising networkGoogle AdexchangeUnited States,,me/,Our group of,companies,Landocs Holdings Ltd, Ran Ventures Ltd, Komantra Holdings Ltd, Keeper Holdings Ltd,Software developing ,partners and ,business advisors,Independent contractors,3.4Legally required releases of PD. We may be legally required to disclose your PD if,such disclosure is: (i) required by subpoena, law, or other legal process. (ii) necessary to,assistlawenforcementofficialsorgovernmentenforcementagencies;(iii)necessary to,Page 6 of 12,investigate violations of or otherwise enforce our legal terms . (iv) necessary to pro tect us,from legal action or claims from third parties, including you and/or other users or members;,or (v) necessary to protect the legal rights, pe rsonal/real property , or personal safety of our,company, users, employees, andaffiliates.,3.5Disclosurestosuccessors.Ifourbusinessissoldormergesinwholeorinpartwith,another business that would become responsible for providing the Website to you, we,retain the right to trans fer your PD to the new business. The new business would retain the,right to use your PD according to the terms of this privacy policy as well as to any changes,to this privacy policy as instituted by the new business. We also retain the right to transfer,your PD if our company files for bankruptcy and some or all of our assets are sold to,another individual orbusiness.,3.6Disclosure of NPD. We may disclose your NPD and de-identified PD for anypurpose.,For example,wemay share it with prospectsor partnersfor business or research,purposes, for improving the Website, responding to lawful requests from public authorities,,or developing new products andservices.,3.7Google reCAPCHA. We have implemented reCAPCHA, the service providedby,Google (Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) to,verify whetheryou are a human beingand not a robot. It helpsto protect the Website,against spam and abuse. When you use reCAPCHA, Google will collect some PD and,NPD from you, such as (i) cookie-related data, (ii) your IP add ress, (iii) information about,your mouse clicks, (iv) CSS information of the Website, (v ) date, (vi) browserlanguage,,(vii) plug-ins installed in the browser, and (viii) javascript objects. Such data will be sent to Google.,We have a legitimate interest in protecting the Website from abusive automated crawling and,spam. For more informa tion about Google reCAPTCHA and Google's privacy policy, please visit,thefollowinglinks:,,4.TransferofPDOutsideYourCountry,4.1The PD that we collect from you may be stored , p rocessed, and transferred between,any of the countries in which we or Our Processors operate. For example, if you reside in,theEuropeanEconomicArea(EEA),wemayneedtotransferyour personaldatato,jurisdictions outside theEEA.,4.2Wherever we transfe r, process or store your PD,we willtake reasonable steps to,protect it. For example, we will make sure that the jurisdiction in which the recipient third,party is located guarantees an adequate level of pro tection for your PD (e .g., the country,in whichthe recipientis located is white-listed by the European Commission or the,recipientisaPrivacy-Shieldcertified entity) orweconcludeanagreementwith the,respective third pa rty that ensures such pro tection (e.g., a data processing agreement,based on the Standard Contractual Clauses provided by the EuropeanCommission).,4.3The European Commission has not found the United States and some other countries,where we and our Processors are located to have an adequate level of protec tion of PD,under Article 45 of the GDPR. We rely on derogations for specific situations as defined in,Article 49 of the GDPR. We will use your PD to provide the goods, services,and/or,Page 7 of 12,information you request fro m us to perform a contract with you orto satisfy a legitimate,interest of our company in a manner that does not outweigh your freedoms andrights.,5.RetainingandDestroyingYourPDandNPD,5.1Retention of PD. We retain informa tion that we collect from you (including your PD),only for as long as we need it for legal, business, or tax purposes. We always make su re,thatwehavealawful basisforstoringyour PD.Yourinformation mayberetainedin,electronic form, paper form, or a combination of both. When your PD is no longer needed and,there is no lawful basis for storing it, we will securely destroy, delete, or eraseit.,5.2Retention of NPD. We may retain your NPD for as long as necessary for thepurposes,describedinthisprivacy policy.Thismayincludekeeping NPAfor theperiodthatis,necessaryto pursueourlegitimatebusinessinterests, conductaudits,complywith(and,demonstratecompliancewith)legalobligations,resolvedisputesandenforceour,agreements.,5.3Retention as required by law. Please note that, in some cases, we may beobliged,by law to store PD for a certain period of time (e.g ., we have to keep our accountancyrecords,for the time period p rescribed by law). In such cases, we will store PD for the time period,stipulated by the applicable law and delete it as soon as the required re tention period,expires.,6.YourRightsRegardingYourPD,6.1Updating Your PD. You can update your PD using services found on our Website. If,no such services exist, you can contact us using the contact information found at the,bottom of this privacy policy and we will helpyou.,6.2Revoking Your Consent for Using Your PD. You have the right torevoke your,consent for us to use your PD at any time, if you have provided such a consent. Your opt-,outwillnotaffectdisclosures otherwisepermittedbylawincludingbut notlimitedto:(i),disclosurestoaffiliatesand businesspartners. (ii)disclosures tothird-party service,providersthat providecertainservicesfor ourbusiness,suchas c redit card processing,,computer system services and data management services. (iii) disclosures to third parties,asnecessarytofulfilyourrequests;(iv)disclosurestogovernmentalagenciesorlaw,enforcement departments, or as otherwiserequired to be made under applicablelaw. (v),previously completeddisclosurestothirdparties;or (vi)disclosurestothirdpartiesin,connection with subsequent contests or pro motions you may choose to ente r, or third-,party offe rs you may choose to accept. If you want to revoke your consent for us to use your,PD, please contact us using the contact information found at the bottom of this privacy,policy andwe will help you. You can easily opt-out from our ma rketing communication by,clicking on the “unsubscribe” link included in every marke ting email sent byus.,6.3You rights. When using our Website and submitting PD to us, you may havecertain,rights under the GDPR, the CCPA, and other applicable laws. Depending on the legal,basis for processing your PD, you may have some or all of the followingrights:,Page 8 of 12,•The right to be informed. You have the right to be informed about the PD we collect,from you, and how we process it.,•The right of access. You have the right to get confirma tion that your PD isbeing,processed and have the ability to access yourPD.,•The righttorectification.Youhavetherighttohave yourPDco rrectedif it is,inaccurate orincomplete.,•The right to erasure (right to be forgotten). You have the right to requestthe removal or,deletion of your PD if there is no compelling reason for us to continue processing it.,•The right to data portability. You have the right to request and get your PD that you,provided to us and use it for your own purposes. We willprovide your PD to you in a,machine-readable format (e.g., a .pdf file) within 30 days of yourrequest.,•The right to restrict processing. You have a right to ‘block ’or res trict the p rocessingof,your PD. When your PD is res tricted, we are permitted to store your PD, but not to process it ,further.,•The right to object. You have the right to object to us processing your PD forthe,following reasons:,(i)If the processing was based on legitimate interes ts or the performance of a task in the,public interest/exercise of official authority (includingprofiling);,(ii)Direct marketing (including profiling);and,(iii)Processing for purposes of scientific/historical research andstatistics.,•Automated individual decision-making and profiling. Youhavethe rightnotto be,subjectto adecisionbasedsolelyonautomated processing,includingprofiling,which,produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affectsyou.,•Filing a complaint with authorities. You have the right to file a complaintwith,supervisory authorities if your information has not been processed in compliance with the,applicable laws. If the supervisory authorities fail to address your complaint properly, you,may have the right to a judicialremedy.,6.4How to exercise your rights? If you would like to exercise your rights, pleasecontact,us by using the contact details at the end of this privacy policy and explain in detail your,request. You can contact us electronically (by email or via our contact fo rm) or by post,,whichever method you prefer. In order verify the legitimacy of your request, we may ask,you to provide us with an identifying piece of information, so that we would be able to,locate you in our system (we will use such information for verification purposes only). We,will answer your request within a reasonable timeframe but no later than 30 days. We will,provide your PD in a portable and readily useable format. You can exercise your rights,free of charge up to 2 times per year. We will direct all our services providers, including,Our Processors , to act according to your request. Please note that, in certain cases (e.g ., if,weneed your PDfor completinga transac tion, carry out our contractual obligations,,comply with the applicable laws, or carry out our legitimate business interests ), we may not,be able to delete your PD from oursystems.,6.5How to launch a complaint? If you would like to launch a complaint about the way in,which we handle your personal data, we kindly ask you to contact us first and express your,concerns. After you contact us, we will investigate your complaint and provide you with our,response as soon as possible (no later than 30 days). If you are not satisfied with the,Page 9 of 12,outcome of your complaint, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local data protection,authority.,7.ProtectingthePrivacyRightsofThirdParties,If anypostingsyou makeonour Websitecontaininformation,includingPD,aboutthird,parties, you must makesure youhavethe permissionto includethat information inyour,posting. While we are not legally liable for the actions of our users, we reserve the right to,remove any postings about which we are notified, if such postings violate the privacy rights,ofothers.,8.DoNotTrackSettings,Some web browsers have settings that enable you to request that our Website not track,yourmovementwithin our Website.OurWebsitedoes not obeysuchsettingswhen,transmitted to and detected by our Website. You can turn off tracking featu res and other,security settings in your browser by referring to your browser’s user manual.,9.Links to Third-PartyWebsites,Our Website may contain links to other websites. These third-party websites are not under,our control and are not subject to our privacy policy. Third-party websites will likely have,their own privacy notices. We have no responsibility for these third-party websites and we,provide links to these websites solely for your convenience. You acknowledge that your,use of and access to these websites are solely at your risk. It is your responsibility to,check the privacy notices of any third-party websites to see how they treat yourPD.,10.Protecting Children’sPrivacy,OurWebsiteisnotdesignedforusebyanyone undertheageof18.Thus,wedonot,knowingly collect PD from children under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian,andbelievethat your childunderthe ageof18isusing our Websiteor submit anyPD,through it, please contact us. Before we remove any PD from our systems, we may ask for,proof of identification to prevent malicious removal of account information. If we discover,that a child under the age of 18 is accessing our Website, we will deletehis/her PD within,a reasonable period oftime.,11.Our EmailPolicy,11.1Marketing messages. Normally, we do not send you marketing messages. However, if,we decide to do so and you sign up to receive our newsletter or provide your consent, we,will,fromtimetotime,sendyoumarketingmessages,suchasnewsletters, brochures,,promotions and advertisements , informing you about our new services or new featu res of,the Website. We will not sell, ren t, or trade your email address to any unaffiliated thirdparty,without yourpermission.,11.2Opting-out.Ifyoureceiveanymarketing-relatedemails,youwillbeabletoeasily,opt-out fro m receiving marketing messages by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link included,in everyemail.,Page 10 of 12,11.3Informational notices. From time to time,wemay sendyouinformationalnotices,,such as service-related, technical or administrative emails, information about the Website,,your privacy and security , and other important matte rs. Please note that we will send such,notices on an “if-needed” basis and they do not fall within the scope of direct ma rketing,communication that requires your priorconsent.,12.Our SecurityPolicy,12.1Wehave builtour Website using industry-standard securitymeasures and,authentication tools to protect the security of your PD. We and Our Processo rs also maintain,technical and physical safeguards to protect yourPD.,12.2We implement organisational and technical informa tion security measures to protect,yourPDfrom loss, misuse, unauthorised access, and disclosure.Thesecuritymeasures,taken by us include secured networks (we use SSL encryption), strong passwords, DDOS,mitigation, limited access to yourPD by our staff, and anonymisation of PD (when possible).,12.3When we collect your credit ca rd information through our Website, we will encrypt it,before it travels over the Internet using industry-s tandard technology for conducting secu re,online transactions. Unfortunately, we cannot guaran tee against the loss or misuse of your,PD or secure data transmission over the Internet because of its natu re. We use third-party,billingservices and havenocontrol overtheseservices.Weuseourcommercially,reasonable efforts to make sure your credit ca rd number is kept strictly confidential by,usingonlythird-partybillingservicesthat use industry-standard encryptiontechnologyto,protect your credit card number from unauthoriseduse.,12.4We strongly urge you to protec t any password you may have for our Website and to,not share it with anyone. You should always log out of our Website when you finish using,it, especially if you are sharing or using a computer in a publicplace.,12.5Security breaches. Although we put our best effo rts to protec t your PD, giventhe,natureofcommunications andinforma tionprocessing technology andtheInternet,we,cannot be liable for any unlawful destruction, loss, use, copying, modification, leakage,,andfalsificationofyourPDcausedbycircums tancesthat arebeyondour reasonable,control. In case a PD b reach occurs , we willimmediately take reasonablemeasures to,mitigate the breach, as required by the applicable law. Our liability for any securitybreach,will be limited to the highest extent permitted by the applicablelaw.,13.Personalised (Targeted)Advertising,13.1The Ads. On the Website, you can encounter personalised advertising and marke ting,materialsbyvideo (collectively,the“Ads”)that areservedtoyouasapart of our,cooperationwiththird-partyvendors,includingtheadvertising networkGoogleAdSense,( automated advertising service provider,Primis ( (collectively, the “Partners”). The Ads may be served to you,directly on the Website or th rough the video games that you play. We me rely host the Ads;,we do not c reate the Ads or bear any responsibility for the contentof the Ads. The Ads a re,served on the basis of your visits to the Website and other sites on the Internet.,Page 11 of 12,13.2PD and NPD collected through the Ads. When you visit the Website, we collect your,cookie-relateddatainaccordancewithourcookiepolicyavailableat,,as well as other online identifiers, PD and NPD,,suchas:,•Your IPaddress;,•The domain name that serves you theAds;,•The geographic location of your computersystem;,•Your advertisingID;,•Your access to the Ads and your use of the Ads;and,•Information about redirection to other websites related to theAds.,The PDandNPDcollectedthroughtheAdsareusedforadvertisingand marketing,purposes, suchas:,•To tailor the Ads toyou;,•To retarget content toyou;,•To personalise your user experience on the Website;and,•To operate, provide, analyse, maintain, manage, and improve the Website and the ,services provided by thePartners.,Thelawful basesonwhich werelywhenprocessingthedatalistedaboveare (i) your,consent(ifapplicable)and(ii)pursuinglegitimatebusinessinterests(i.e., togrowour,business).,13.3Disclosure of PD and NPD collected through the Ads. The PD and NPDspecified,in section 13.2 may be disclosed to the Partners for advertising purposes, inaccordance,with section 3 of this privacy policy. The Partners act as data processors with regard to,suchdata.Formoreinformationontheirprivacypractices,pleasereferto,,,respectively.,13.4Consent. In ce rtain cases (e .g., if you a re located in the EU), we may ask youto,provide consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies related to the Ads.,For more information on our cookie consent, please refer to our cookie policy available at,,13.6 Opting out from personalised advertising. You can control how personalised,advertisingis shownto you or opt-out from ta rgeted advertisingby consultingthe guide,poweredby the DigitalAdvertising Alliance(DAA)availableat,TheDAAofferstoolsforconsumers toopt-outfromusingtheirPDforadvertising(for,websitesandmobileapplications):,informationonopting-outfromadvertisingfeaturesonyourdevice, please consultthe,Network Advertising Initiative:,14.TermandChangestoOurPrivacyPolicy,14.1Term. This privacy policy enters into force on the effective date indicated at the top of,the privacy policy and remains valid until terminated or updated byus.,Page 12 of 12,14.2Changes. We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time. If we decide,to do so, we will post those changes on our Website so that our users and customers a re,always aware of our data protec tion practices. For significant material changes o r, where,requiredby the applicablelaw, wemayseek yourconsent. If you disagree with the,changes to the privacy policy, you should cease using theWebsite.,14.3Repurposing of PD. If at any time we decide to disclose or use your PD in amethod,different from that specified at the time it was collected, we will provide advance notice by,email (if we have it) and, if necessary seek yourconsent., 14.4 When you use our website, we share information that we collect from,you, such as your email (in hashed form), IP address or information about your,browser or operating system, with our partner/service provider, LiveRamp Inc.,LiveRamp returns an online identification code that we may store in our,first-party cookie for our use in online and cross-channel advertising and it may be,sharedwithadvertisingcompaniestoenableinterest-basedandtargeted,advertising.Toopt-outofthisuse,pleaseclickhere,(,15.ContactUs,If you have any questions about our privacy policy or would like to exercise your rights, ,please contact us using the following contactdetails:,Company: Landocs Ventures LTD,Address: Hasaham 30, Petah tiqwa, 49517 Israel,Email address: classicreload [at] gmail [dot] com,© Copyright notice - This document is protected under the Israeli and foreign copyrights.,The copying, redistribution, use or publication by you without our consent is strictly,prohibited.

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