
Privacy Policy

CULTS • PRIVACY POLICY <p> <em>Last updated: 19 February 2020</em> <br> <strong>Version: 2.2</strong> </p> 1. General <p>This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) applies to all personal information collected through and processed in connection with the Website (, and Services offered by Cults. SAS (“Cults”, “we” or “us”), located at:</p> <p>19 rue Colonel Bial<br> 19100 Brive la Gaillarde<br> FRANCE
<br> Email:&nbsp;
</p> <p>Your privacy is important to Cults which acts as the data controller within the meaning of the GRDP (General Data Protection Regulation) - in french RGPD (Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données). In this Privacy Policy we inform you of our practices with respect to the collection and processing of your personal information (your personal data) when visiting our Website or using our Services. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy starting with a capital letter shall have the same meaning as in our Terms and Conditions. Cults reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy, and will post any revisions on its website.</p> 2. What we collect <p>2.1. Information provided by you. When you register on the Website to create a Cults account, we ask for the following personal information in order to create an account for you:</p> <p>a. your username<br> 
b. your email address</p> <p>Additional personal information, such as an avatar/profile picture, your bio, can be voluntarily submitted by you in your account details.<br> To apply the French VAT or not on the price of the 3D files, we collect the IP address of the customer to know if they are located in the European Union. If the IP address indicates that the customer is located outside the European Union, Cults does not apply the French VAT and the price is indicated excluding VAT.</p> <p>2.2. Private messages. When using our Service you may exchange messages in the comment sections with other users. These messages will be stored by Cults in order to be able to deliver them to the intended recipient(s) without providing your email address.</p> <p>2.3. Automatically generated information. We also collect “Automatically Generated Information” about your behavior during your use of the Service. This information may include IP addresses, type of browser, browser settings, date and time, what features your use and for how long and other information regarding your use of the Service. We may also collect this information by using “cookies” in accordance with Clause 6 of our Privacy Policy.</p> 3. How we use it and on what grounds we use it <p>3.1. Any personal information provided by you on the Website will be used for providing the Services to you and to facilitate any communication between you and other Users on the Website. If you follow another member, like, download, comment, download or pay for a 3D file, your username and Cults profile will be shared with the other member, without providing your email address.</p> <p>3.2. If you register as a Creator, the email address you have indicated will be used to send you the payment of your sales through PayPal services. An email from PayPal will be sent to the email address and ask you to withdraw your money by logging in to your PayPal account. </p> <p>3.3. Our web servers collect logging and analytical information for the sole purpose of improving the Website and our Services.</p> <p>3.4. We may draw up statistical and demographic data rendered anonymous and use this for performance monitoring, improvement of the Service and public relations.</p> <p>3.5. The processing of your personal data is based on the following grounds:</p> <blockquote> <p>• Your consent;<br> • The preparation or performance of an agreement with you;<br> • Compliance with a legal obligation;<br> • Our legitimate interests.</p> </blockquote> <p>3.6. When we process personal data on the basis of your consent, you can always revoke your consent.</p> <p>3.7. We may disclose the collected personal information if it reasonably believes that it is required to do so by law, regulation, court order or any government authority.</p> <p>3.8. We can have a legitimate interest to process your personal data, namely to resolve disputes or legal procedures or for statistical reasons, to improve our services and public relations.</p> <p>3.9. We can be legally or contractually obliged to process your personal data. The processing of your personal data can also be necessary to enter into a contract with you. In these cases we can only continue our relationship with you when you provide us with the needed personal data.</p> 4. How long we keep it <p>4.1. We do not retain your personal information for any longer than is necessary for the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Policy or in so far as such is necessary for compliance with statutory obligations and for solving any disputes.</p> <p>4.2. When we process your personal information on the basis of the preparation or the performance of an agreement with you, we will store your personal information for up to seven years after our agreement has ended, or after resolving a dispute.</p> <p>4.3. When we process your personal information on the basis of a legal obligation, we will store your personal information for the period which is determined by the law.</p> <p>4.4. We will process your personal information for no longer than the definitive limitation period of a legal claim we may possible have against you. We store judgments between you and our company for twenty years.</p> <p>4.5. When we process your personal information on the basis of your consent, we will store your personal information until you revoke your consent.</p> <p>4.6. Depending on the type of cookie, we will store your personal information for a maximum of 6 months.</p> 5. Third-Parties <p>5.1. We employ other parties to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include, hosting services, customer relationship management, analytics, advertising, social login and payment processing services. These selected parties may process your personal information only to the extent that is necessary to perform such functions on our behalf and subject to our instructions. We have procedures in place to ensure that these third party companies value your privacy.</p> <p>5.2. These parties may be located in the EU/EEA or the United States of America (“USA”). Any party employed by us that is located in the USA adheres to the Privacy Shield. This means that an adequate level of privacy protection is provided. To learn more about the Privacy Shield, please visit this&nbsp;website.</p> <p>5.3. You may arrive at the Cults Services from another website that integrated the Cults API or linked. Cults has no power over the websites of third parties to which you are linked to or from. It may therefore be the case that a different privacy policy is applicable for the use of these websites of third parties. This Privacy Statement only relates to information collected through the Cults Services. Cults does not accept any responsibility or liability for (the operation and/or contents of) websites of third parties. Via Cults Services you can share information about yourself with others. You yourself are responsible for the information you spread via the Cults Services. Cults does not accept any responsibility or liability for this.</p> 6. Cookies <p>We may store some information in the form of so-called “cookies” on your device, such as your computer, to offer a more user-friendly and efficient Website and Services. A “cookie“ is a small string of information that is saved temporarily or permanently on your computer when you visit the website.</p> <p>6.2. We use so-called “functional cookies” (first-party cookies), which only serve the technical operation of the Website and Services. These cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to our websites. Once you disable these cookies by means of your browser settings not all functionalities of the Website and Services are accessible.</p> <p>6.3. We also use so-called “analytics cookies” (third-party cookies) to better understand how you interact with our Websites and Services and to improve them overall. These cookies remain on your computer after you close your browser and may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to our websites.</p> <p>6.4. You can disable any cookie and delete existing cookies in your Internet browser options at any time. You will find further details in the help section of your browser. However, not all functionalities of the Website may be accessible without cookies.</p> 7. Security <p>We recognize our responsibility to protect the information you entrust to us. Cults implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure your personal information against loss or against any form of unlawful processing. These measures guarantee an appropriate level of security, taking into account the state of the art and the costs of implementation, and having regard to the risks associated with the processing and the nature of the data to be protected. These measures shall also aim at preventing unnecessary collection and further processing of your personal information.</p> 8. Your rights <p>8.1. In accordance with the French law of 6th January 1978, you have the right to request access, rectification, erasure, restriction, data portability and the right to object against the use of your personal information. However, we can decline your request in case we have compelling legitimate grounds which override your interests, or the processing is for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.</p> <p>8.2. For security reasons, we reserve the right to take steps to authenticate your identity before providing access to your personal data. We will answer your request free of charge, however reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for carrying out your request in case your request is excessive or is manifestly unfounded.</p> <p>8.3. You can send your request to exercise your rights by writing to Cults, 19 rue Colonel Bial, 19100 Brive la Gaillarde, France or to our e-mail address Be as clear and precise as possible in your email. In any case state which right you want to exercise and on what grounds. We will answer your request within one month after receipt, unless we need more time. Then we will inform you within one month after receipt of your request that we need a maximum of another two months. Within this period of time we will notify you about whether we can fulfill your request or not. In case we cannot fulfill your request we will let you know on what ground.</p> <p>8.4. If you have any complaints about our privacy practices we would appreciate if you could seek contact with us first. Together we can try to find and take away the source of your complaint. Your complaint can be send to:&nbsp;</p> 9. Changes to this privacy policy <p>We may change how we collect and use personal information at any time and without prior notice, at our sole discretion.<br> We may change this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make material changes to the Privacy Policy, we will notify you either by posting the changed Privacy Policy on the Platform. We will also update the “Last Updated Date” at the top of this Privacy Policy. <br> It’s important that you review the changed Privacy Policy. If you do not wish to agree to the changed Privacy Policy, then we will not be able to continue providing the Platform and our Services to you, and your only option will be to stop accessing the Platform and deactivate your Cults account by yourself or by sending us an email at</p> 10. Questions &amp. suggestions <p>If you have any questions or suggestions about our privacy practices, please feel free to contact us by email via:&nbsp;</p>

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