
Terms of Use

Terms of Use <strong>OKWOW TERMS OF SERVICE</strong> <p>These Terms of Use are effective as of May 10, 2021.</p> <p>Welcome to OkWow’s website, owned and operated by OkWow ("OkWow", "we", "us" and "our"). Please read the following Terms of Use as they, together with all the other Terms and Conditions referred to below, govern your access and use of our Site.</p> <strong>ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF USE</strong> <p>THESE TERMS OF USE DESCRIBE YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES, AND BY USING THE SITE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND AND ABIDE BY THESE TERMS OF USE AND OUR&nbsp;PRIVACY POLICY, WHICH IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. THESE TERMS OF USE FORM A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND US REGARDING YOUR USE OF THE SITE ALONG WITH THE RELATED SERVICES, FEATURES, CONTENT AND OFFERS PROVIDED ON THE SITE. YOU AGREE TO MANDATORY ARBITRATION AND WAIVER OF THE ABILITY TO BRING A CLAIM IN A CLASS ACTION FORMAT.</p> <p>IF FOR ANY REASON, YOU ARE UNABLE OR UNWILLING TO AGREE TO ALL OUR TERMS OF USE, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY STOP USING OR ATTEMPTING TO USE OUR SITE, BECAUSE IF YOU USE OR CONTINUE THE SITE, YOU WILL BE AGREEING TO EVERYTHING IN OUR TERMS OF USE AS A CONDITION OF SUCH USE.</p> <p>YOU AGREE THAT BY USING OUR SITE YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD AND THAT YOU ARE LEGALLY ABLE TO ENTER INTO THIS AGREEMENT.</p> <p>When you see the word "use" or "using" in connection with our Site or us in these Terms of Use, it means and refers to any time you, directly or indirectly, with or without a device, attempt to or actually do access, interact, utilize, display, view, browse, visit, print or copy, transmit, receive or exchange data, upload, download, post or otherwise submit any message, posting, material or content or you otherwise communicate, including with another user or anyone else. We will also consider you to be using our Site if you utilize, benefit from, take advantage of or interact with any feature, function, service, activity, promotion or content in, on or available through our Site, for any purpose. Also, when we use the term "including" it means "including, without limitation" or "including, but not limited to" and construed as inclusive and illustrative and not exclusive or limiting.</p> <p>We may refer to you or any individual that uses our Site as "you" or "your" or a "user." If we use the term "Our Companies," in addition to us, that term means and includes our agents, representatives, subsidiaries, affiliated companies, select unaffiliated companies, assigns, and brands that are owned by, licensed by, and/or partnering with OkWow.</p> <p>When we use the term "Site" we mean all website(s) or online solution functionality or services offered through the individual URL or Internet address locations, sites and pages within the okwow.com domain (including all backups, mirror, replacement and substitutes). Unless otherwise noted, when we use the term "Site," we are including all the content, text, information, images, graphics, postings, files, documents, multimedia materials, software, code, data, logos, brands, service and trademarks, the "look and feel", as well as the selection and arrangement of items, all copyrightable or otherwise legally protectable items and elements and all of the various features, functions and services in, on or associated with our Site and we will use the term "Content" when we refer to them separately. When we use the term "Services" we mean any services provided as an online functionality or feature of the Site.</p> <p>These Terms of Use include our&nbsp;Privacy Policy&nbsp;and any other terms we disclose or notify you of when you use or attempt to use our Site ("Additional Terms") all of which are incorporated by reference and form a part of our Terms of Use for all purposes. In the event of a conflict, these Terms of Use shall control although the Additional Terms may govern use of particular products, solutions, or services. To make reading and understanding your agreement with us easier, we will use the expression "Terms of Use" to mean and refer to this document, as well as our Privacy Policy and any Additional Terms that apply to you.</p> <p>By using our Site you are acknowledging you have read, understand and accept as binding, all of the rights and obligations, terms and conditions in our Terms of Use which constitute the legal agreement you have with us. If you do not agree with, cannot comply with or are unwilling to accept our Terms of Use, please discontinue your use of our Site immediately because continued use shall constitute acceptance of these Terms of Use.</p> <strong>WE CAN CHANGE OUR TERMS OF USE AND SITE</strong> <p>We reserve the right, at any time, to add to, delete or modify our Terms of Use, as well as all or any part of our Site in our sole discretion. We will notify you of changes to our Terms of Use by posting the new Terms of Use on this website, or by sending you a notice via e-mail. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of revised Terms of Use means that you accept and agree to the changes. The date at the top of the Site indicates when these Terms of User were last updated. You agree to review these Terms of Use and other online policies posted on our Site periodically to be aware of any revisions.</p> <strong>OUR PRIVACY POLICY</strong> <p>Your privacy is important to us. We have developed a&nbsp;Privacy Policy&nbsp;in order to inform you of how we collect and use information we obtain from you. All information we collect on the Site is subject to our Privacy Policy, and our Privacy Policy is incorporated into and is a part of these Terms of Use.</p> <strong>RULES OF CONDUCT</strong> <p>You agree to use or access the Site or the Service only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use.</p> <p>You may never use, allow or enable others to use our Site or knowingly condone use of our Site to do or attempt to:</p> <ul> <li>Violate any applicable federal or state laws, regulations, judicial or governmental order, treaties or our rights or the rights of any other person, firm, or enterprise;</li> <li>Engage in conduct which is or could be considered libelous, defamatory, indecent, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit or sexually suggestive, racially or ethically offensive, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive;</li> <li>Impersonate or attempt to impersonate OkWow, OkWow’s employees, or any other person, firm, or enterprise;</li> <li>Use the Site for posting or otherwise using malicious or unauthorized code (e.g. viruses, time bombs, cancel bots, worms, Trojan horses, spyware) or other potentially harmful material or information which in any way might interrupt, damage, interfere with, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or communication equipment;</li> <li>Violate, or attempt to violate any security features of the Site or Service;</li> <li>Attempt to modify, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reduce or attempt to reduce any of the source code that we use in providing the Site or Service to a human-perceivable form;</li> <li>Collect, obtain, compile, gather, transmit, reproduce, delete, revise, view, or display any material or information, whether personally identifiable or not, submitted, provided, or made available by or concerning any other person, firm, or enterprise;</li> <li>Advocate or encourage conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national, or foreign law or regulation.</li> <li>Attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage, or disrupt any parts of the Site, the server on which the Site is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to the Site;</li> <li>Otherwise attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Site.</li> </ul> <p>We intend to cooperate fully with any law enforcement officials or agencies in the investigation of any violation of these Terms of Use or of any applicable laws. Any violation of system or network security may subject you to civil and/or criminal liability.</p> <strong>INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS</strong> <p>The Site and its entire contents, features and functionality, including, but not limited to all information, text, displays, photographs, graphics, video and audio, and the design, selection and arrangement thereof ("OkWow Content"), are owned by, licensed by, or provided to OkWow. The Site is protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws, and thus, we own and retain all rights in the OkWow Content and the Service.</p> <p>These Terms of Use permit you to use the Site for your own personal, non-commercial use only. Except as otherwise provided in these Terms of Use, you may not reproduce, modify, publish, prepare derivative works, or distribute copies of the OkWow Content in whole or in part. You acknowledge and agree that if you use any Content in violation of our Terms of Use, any other party’s rights, or any laws or regulations, including laws relating to the protection of intellectual property, you may be subject to civil liability, criminal prosecution or both under the laws and regulations of the United States, as well as any other state, national, provincial or other laws, regulations and treaties that may apply.</p> <strong>POSTING AND SUBMITTING USER CONTENT</strong> <p>Our Site may allow you to register, create a profile or account and enable you to submit, provide, furnish, transmit, exchange, communicate and/or display to other users (referred to as Posting") content or materials (collectively, "User Content"). By Posting, you represent that you own or have the right to engage in or submit, display or use the User Content and you specifically agree your User Content shall not violate any law or regulation, our Terms of Use or the rights of others.</p> <p>We have no obligation, nor do we verify, review for accuracy, completeness or otherwise, any User Content. We also have no obligation to monitor or continue to monitor your use of the Site or your User Content, but we reserve the right to do so and to confirm and request confirmation of any information you submit to us or on our Website, at any time for any reason or no reason at all. We do not endorse User Content, nor do we screen them.</p> <p>Your User Content and/or your account are your responsibility, although we ask that you notify us if you know or suspect the security of your user identification, log-in and password may have been compromised so that we can take responsive action. But, in general, you are solely responsible for activities undertaken through your registration, profile, user account or login identification or password and you will defend and indemnify us (see the Section entitled "You Indemnify Us") for any User Content submitted, displayed, use, or transferred under the foregoing. In accordance with the foregoing, if you suspect that your log-in identification or password may have been compromised, please notify us immediately at&nbsp;support@okwow.com.</p> <strong>OUR RIGHT TO USER CONTENT</strong> <p>User Content will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary and may be used by our affiliates, Our Companies, or OkWow. Content that is yours, remains yours and neither our Terms of Use, nor your use of our Site is intended to deprive you or anyone of any existing rights to Content. By posting, downloading, displaying, performing, transmitting, or otherwise distributing Content to OkWow or the Site, you are:</p> <ul> <li>Giving us a non-exclusive, irrevocable, unconditional, transferable, perpetual, worldwide, royalty free license and right to use, display, reproduce, perform, adapt, translate, modify, create derivative works from, publish, distribute, disseminate and broadcast the User Content in connection with your use of the Site without additional accounting to you or notifying you in any way. and</li> <li>Representing and warranting to us you have the right to submit the User Content and grant the rights and license described above.</li> </ul> <p>If anyone else has or may have rights to the User Content you are submitting, it is your responsibility to find out and obtain whatever agreements, licenses and rights you need from them to do so, because if and when you submit Content to us, you will be solely responsible and liable and you will defend and indemnify us (See the Section entitled "You Indemnify Us").</p> <strong>MOBILE SERVICES</strong> <p>The Site may offer certain tools or services that are available to you via your mobile phone or other mobile device (collectively, "Mobile Services"). Please note that your mobile carrier’s normal messaging, data, and other rates and fees will apply to your use of the Mobile Services. In addition, downloading, installing, or using certain Mobile Services may be prohibited or restricted by your mobile carrier, and not all Mobile Services may work with all carriers or devices. Therefore, you are responsible for checking with your mobile carrier to determine if the Mobile Services are available for your mobile devices, what restrictions, if any, may be applicable to your use of the Mobile Services, and how much they will cost you. Nevertheless, all use of the Site and its Mobile Services shall be in accordance with our Terms of Use.</p> <strong>COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT</strong> <p>On notice, we will act expeditiously to remove Content that infringes the copyright rights of others and we will use reasonable efforts to disable use of our Site by anyone who repeatedly infringes the rights of others. If you believe our Site contains elements that infringe any copyright of yours or anyone else’s, please follow the procedures set forth below in our Notice and Procedure for Making Claims of Copyright Infringement.</p> <strong>PRODUCT REDEMPTION</strong> <p>From time to time we may distribute deals, freebies, or samples (collectively, "Offers"). The availability of the Offers may vary based on location and timing. In redeeming an Offer, you further agree to the OkWow Sample Offer Terms and Conditions, which are incorporated into these Terms of Use.</p> <strong>PROMOTIONS</strong> <p>From time to time we may offer sweepstakes, contests, or other similar promotions ("Promotions"). Promotions vary and may require you to submit information about yourself to us.</p> <p>Each Promotion has its own Terms and Conditions, which govern your participation in the Promotion. You must read and agree to these separate Terms and Conditions before entering into any such Promotion.</p> <strong>THIRD PARTY CONTENT AND LINKS FROM THE SITE</strong> <p>If the Site contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, such links are provided for convenience purposes only. This includes links contained in advertisements, banner advertisements, and sponsored links. We have no control over, and no liability for any third party websites or materials. We work with a number of partners and affiliates whose Internet sites may be linked with the Site. Because neither we nor our Site has control over the content and performance of these partner and affiliate sites, we make no guarantees about the accuracy, currency, content, or quality of the information provided by such sites, and we assume no responsibility for unintended, objectionable, inaccurate, misleading, or unlawful content that may reside on those sites.</p> <p>Similarly, from time to time in connection with your use of the Site, you may have access to Content or websites that are owned by third parties ("Third Party Content"). You acknowledge and agree that we make no guarantees about, and assume no responsibility for, the accuracy, currency, content, or quality of Third Party Content, and that, unless expressly provided otherwise, these Terms of Use shall govern your use of any and all Third Party Content.</p> <strong>THIRD PARTY MERCHANTS</strong> <p>OkWow contains many Offers from third party partners and affiliates which may allow you to order, receive, or redeem various products and services by business that are not owned or operated by us. The delivery, guarantee, maintenance, and all other matters concerning your transactions with these businesses are solely between you and such businesses. We do not endorse, warrant, or guarantee any such third party Offers and we are not liable for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such information or the availability of any Offers.</p> <strong>TERM AND TERMINATION</strong> <p>Our Terms of Use will take effect at the moment you click "ACCEPT", register, respond to a request for information, and/or begin downloading, accessing, or using the Site, whichever is earliest. OkWow reserves the right at any time and on reasonable grounds, which shall include, without limitation, any reasonable belief of fraudulent or unlawful activity or actions or omissions that violate any term or condition of this Agreement, to deny your access to the Site or to any portion thereof in order to protect its name and goodwill, its business, and/or other Users, and our Terms of Use with you will also terminate automatically if you fail to comply with its terms and conditions, subject to the survival rights of certain provisions identified below. Termination will be effective without notice. You may also terminate our Terms of Use at any time by ceasing to use the Site, but all applicable provisions of our Terms of Use will survive termination, as identified below, and each re-access or use of the Site will reapply our Terms of Use (then in effect) to you. Upon termination, you must destroy all copies of any aspect of the Site in your possession. The provisions concerning OkWow's proprietary rights, feedback and submissions, indemnity, disclaimers of warranty and liability, waiver and severability, entire agreement, and governing law will survive the termination of our Terms of Use for any reason.</p> <strong>WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE</strong> <p>We have the right to discontinue, suspend or terminate our Site or your use of the Service and/or our Site at any time, with or without notice to you, and without liability to you, for any reason or no reason whatsoever, including any time we determine, in our sole judgment, you have violated any of the Terms of Use, furnished us with false or misleading information, or interfered with use of the Site or the Service by others. In addition to any other rights and remedies we may have under these Terms of Use, or at law or in equity, we have the right to: (i) refuse to allow you further Posting. (ii) remove or delete Postings. (iii) revoke your right to use our Site. (iv) revoke and terminate your OkWow account. (v) use any technological, legal, operational or other means available to enforce our Terms of Use, including blocking specific IP addresses or deactivating your registration.</p> <strong>YOU INDEMNIFY US</strong> <p>By using our Site, you agree to defend and hold harmless any or all of Our Companies against any demands, claims or actions arising out of or as a result of your access to or use of the Site, your breach or violation of our Terms of Use, including any breach arising from violations of law and regulation, as well as claims of infringement, misappropriation or violation of the rights of any person or entity ("Claim") and you shall indemnify and hold Our Companies harmless from and against any and all losses, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, resulting from any such Claim. We have the right, at any time, to assume the defense against any Claim and all negotiations for settlement and compromise and you agree to cooperate with us in any such defense. When we use the phrase "you will defend and indemnify us" anywhere in our Terms of Use, it means and refers to the foregoing provisions of this section of our Terms of Use.</p> <strong>DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY</strong> <p>OUR SITE IS MADE AVAILABLE "AS IS" AND "AS AVAILABLE." TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, WE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF TITLE, NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THERE IS NO GUARANTY OR ASSURANCE THAT ALL OR ANY PART OF OUR SITE WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR USE, PERFORM AS DESCRIBED OR THAT OUR SITE IS ACCURATE, TIMELY, COMPLETE OR ERROR FREE AND YOU SHOULD NOT RELY ON OUR SITE FOR ANY DECISIONS OR ACTIONS YOU MAY OR MAY NOT CHOOSE TO MAKE OR TAKE. WE ARE NEITHER RESPONSIBLE NOR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOU OR YOUR PROPERTY, EVEN IF DUE TO MALICIOUS OR UNAUTHORIZED CODE. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING YOU HAVE APPROPRIATE MECHANISMS TO PROTECT AND SECURE YOUR EQUIPMENT, PROGRAMS AND INFORMATION BECAUSE YOU, NOT US, ARE ASSUMING ALL RISK OF LOSS OR DAMAGE THAT MAY ARISE OR BE ASSOCIATED WITH USE OF OUR WEBSITE.</p> <p>OUR LIABILITY TO YOU IS LIMITED. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, WE DISCLAIM ALL LIABILITY FOR LOSS, DAMAGE, COST AND/OR EXPENSE OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, OR LOST DATA, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION OR BASIS OF THE CLAIM AND WHETHER OR NOT A PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGES) IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM USE OF OUR SITE OR ANY OTHER MATERIALS OR SERVICES WE PROVIDE TO YOU.</p> <p>SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSIONS OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES OR LIMITATIONS ON CERTAIN DAMAGES, SO SOME OF THESE EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. HOWEVER, IF ANY LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF DAMAGES OR LIABILITY IS PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED BY LAW, WE SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE MAXIMUM LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS PERMITTED. HOWEVER, IN NO EVENT SHALL OUR TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU EXCEED ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100).</p> <strong>GOVERNING LAW</strong> <p>Our Terms of Use and your use of our Site shall be construed, governed by and enforced under the substantive laws of the State of California applicable to parties resident in and contracts made, executed and wholly performed within the State of California. You submit to the jurisdiction of the State and Federal courts situated in San Diego County, California, USA in all disputes arising out of or related to the use of the Site or Service and you will not object to jurisdiction or venue on the grounds of lack of personal jurisdiction, inconvenient forum or otherwise. The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act does not apply to our Terms of Use.</p> <p>YOU HEREBY WAIVE ANY RIGHT YOU MAY NOW HAVE OR HEREAFTER POSSESS TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN CONNECTION WITH ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING ARISING UNDER OUR TERMS OF USE OR YOUR USE OF OUR WEBSITE.</p> <strong>INJUNCTIVE RELIEF</strong> <p>You acknowledge that any breach, threatened or actual, of our Terms of Use, including, without limitation, with respect to unauthorized use of OkWow proprietary assets, will cause irreparable injury to OkWow, such injury would not be quantifiable in monetary damages, and OkWow would not have an adequate remedy at law. You therefore agree that OkWow shall be entitled, in addition to other available remedies, to seek and be awarded an injunction or other appropriate equitable relief from a court of competent jurisdiction restraining any breach, threatened or actual, of your obligations under any provision of our Terms of Use. Accordingly, you hereby waive any requirement that OkWow post any bond or other security in the event any injunctive or equitable relief is sought by or awarded to OkWow to enforce any provision of our Terms of Use.</p> <strong>ARBITRATION AND CLASS ACTION WAIVER</strong> <p>You agree to first contact us at&nbsp;support@okwow.com&nbsp;for any dispute or controversy so as to attempt to resolve the dispute or controversy informally. Any controversy or claim arising out of or related to the use of the Site or Service that cannot be resolved through such informal process or through negotiation within 120 days shall be settled by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its Commercial Arbitration Rules, and judgment on the award rendered may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. The arbitration will be conducted in the English language in the city of San Diego, California by a single neutral arbitrator.</p> <p>You agree that disputes will only be arbitrated on an individual basis and shall not be consolidated, on a class wide, representative basis, or with any other arbitration(s) or other proceedings that involve any claim or controversy of any other party. If for any reason this arbitration clause is unenforceable or inapplicable, both you and we agree, to the extent permissible by law, to waive any right to pursue any claims on a class action basis. If any portion of this class action waiver is limited, void, or unenforceable, then our agreement to arbitrate under this section will not apply and any controversy or claim must be brought exclusively in the state and federal courts in San Diego, California.</p> <strong>MISCELLANEOUS</strong> <p>The Terms of Use constitute the entire agreement you have with us regarding the subject matter and supersedes any and all prior and/or inconsistent understandings. Our Terms of Use cannot be modified except as set described herein or in a written amendment signed by an authorized representative of ours. No electronic or digital communication of any kind is to be construed as a ‘writing’ for purposes of amending or modifying our Terms of Use or the rights and obligations of the parties hereunder. The illegality, unenforceability or invalidity of any provision is severable and shall not affect or impair the rest of our Terms of Use. No waiver of any breach of any provision of these Terms of Use shall constitute a waiver of any prior, concurrent, or subsequent breach of the same or any other provisions hereof, and no waiver shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party. Headings are purely for reference and shall not affect meaning. Any provision which must survive any termination of your agreement with us in order to allow us to enforce its meaning shall survive. You may not make or initiate any demand, claim or action against us or any of Our Companies, regardless of form or the basis of the claim, more than one (1) year after the cause of action has arisen (or if multiple causes, from the date the first such cause arose).</p> <p>If we believe, have reason to believe or are notified of anything which could compromise or endanger the health or safety of any person, could cause damage (tangible or intangible), could adversely affect, infringe upon or misappropriate anyone else’ rights, harasses or interferes with any other user, interferes with or bypasses security or other protective measures violates any law or regulation or these Terms of Use, we have the right, reserving cumulatively all other rights and remedies available to us at law, in equity and under our agreement with you, to report and provide information to any and all regulatory and law enforcement authorities and agencies and take any action permitted by law.</p> <strong>NO LICENSE</strong> <p>Nothing contained on the Site should be understood as granting you a license to use any of the trademarks, service marks, or logos owned by us or by any third party.</p> <strong>THIS SITE IS FOR UNITED STATES USE ONLY</strong> <p>We control and operate the Site from our offices in the State of California. We make no representation that any of the materials or the services to which you have been given access are available or appropriate for use outside the United States and access to the Site from territories where its contents are illegal or restricted is prohibited. If you choose to access the Site from outside the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.</p> <strong>FEEDBACK AND SUBMISSIONS</strong> <p>OkWow welcomes your feedback and suggestions about OkWow's programs or services or with respect to how to improve the Site. By transmitting any suggestions, information, material, or other content (collectively, "feedback") to OkWow, you represent and warrant that such feedback does not infringe or violate the intellectual property or proprietary rights of any third party (including, without limitation, patents, copyrights, or trademark rights) and that you have all rights necessary to convey to OkWow and enable OkWow to use such feedback. In addition, any feedback received through the Site will be deemed to include a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, non-exclusive right and license for OkWow to adopt, publish, reproduce, disseminate, transmit, distribute, copy, use, create derivative works, and display (in whole or in part) worldwide, or act on such feedback without additional approval or consideration, in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in such content, and you hereby waive any claim to the contrary.</p> <strong>NOTICE AND PROCEDURE FOR MAKING CLAIMS OF COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT</strong> <p>OkWow has adopted the following procedure regarding copyright infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"), the text of which is located at http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf.</p> <p>THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS SOLELY FOR NOTIFYING US THAT YOUR COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL MAY HAVE BEEN INFRINGED. DO NOT SEND ANY INQUIRIES UNRELATED TO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT (e.g., REQUESTS FOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OR CUSTOMER SERVICE, REPORTS OF E-MAIL ABUSE) TO THE CONTACT LISTED BELOW. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A RESPONSE IF SENT TO THAT CONTACT.</p> <p>WE CAUTION YOU THAT UNDER FEDERAL LAW, IF YOU KNOWINGLY MISREPRESENT THAT ONLINE MATERIAL IS INFRINGING, YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO HEAVY CIVIL PENALTIES. THESE INCLUDE MONETARY DAMAGES, COURT COSTS, AND ATTORNEYS’ FEES INCURRED BY US, BY ANY COPYRIGHT OWNER, OR BY ANY COPYRIGHT OWNER’S LICENSEE THAT IS INJURED AS A RESULT OF OUR RELYING UPON YOUR MISREPRESENTATION. YOU MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PROSECUTION FOR PERJURY.</p> <p>If you believe that your copyrighted work has been used or displayed on our website in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please report the alleged infringements by completing the following steps and by notifying OkWow’s Designated Agent, as listed below. Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2), all notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be sent ONLY to our Designated Agent. OkWow will respond expeditiously to any claims of copyright infringement that are properly reported.</p> <p>Written notification must be submitted to the following Designated Agent:</p> <p>Service Provider(s): OkWow</p> <p>Name of Designated Agent to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement: Copywrite Manager</p> <p>Full Address of Designated Agent to Which Notification Should Be Sent: P.O. Box 120726 San Diego, CA 92112-0726</p> <p>Email Address of Designated Agent:&nbsp;support@okwow.com</p> <p>Under Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(3)(A), the Notification of Claimed Infringement must include the following:</p> <p>(1) An electronic or physical signature of the owner or of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest;</p> <p>(2) Identification of the copyrighted work (or works) that you claim has been infringed;</p> <p>(3) A description and identification of the material that you claim is infringing, and the location where the original or an authorized copy of the copyrighted work exists (for example, the URL of the page of the website where it is lawfully posted. the name, edition and pages of a book from which an excerpt was copied, etc.);</p> <p>(4) A clear description of where the infringing material is located on our Website, including as applicable its URL, so that we can locate the material;</p> <p>(5) Your contact information, including your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address;</p> <p>(6) A statement that you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. and</p> <p>(7) A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner’s behalf.</p> <strong>MOBILE PROGRAM TERMS OF SERVICE</strong> <p>The OkWow mobile message service (the "Service") is operated by OkWow ("OkWow ", "we", or "us"). Your use of the Service constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions ("Mobile Terms"). We may modify or cancel the Service or any of its features without notice. We may also modify these Mobile Terms at any time and your continued use of the Service following the effective date of any such changes shall constitute your acceptance of such changes.</p> <p>We do not charge for the Service, but you are responsible for all charges and fees associated with text messaging imposed by your wireless provider. Message and data rates may apply.</p> <p>Text messages may be sent using an automatic telephone dialing system or other technology. Your consent to receive autodialed marketing text messages is not required as a condition of purchasing any goods or services. If you have opted in, the Service provides promotions, specials, and other marketing offers from OkWow via text messages through your wireless provider to the mobile number you provided. Message frequency varies. Text the single keyword command STOP to cancel at any time. You'll receive a one-time opt-out confirmation text message. For Service support or assistance, text HELP or email&nbsp;support@okwow.com</p> <p>We may change any short code or telephone number we use to operate the Service at any time and will notify you of these changes. You acknowledge that any messages, including any STOP or HELP requests, you send to a short code or telephone number we have changed may not be received and we will not be responsible for honoring requests made in such messages.</p> <p>The wireless carriers supported by the Service are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages. You agree to provide us with a valid mobile number. You agree to maintain accurate, complete, and up-to-date information with us related to your receipt of messages, including, without limitation, notifying us immediately if you change your mobile number.</p> <p>You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold us harmless from any third-party claims, liability, damages or costs arising from your use of the Service or from you providing us with a phone number that is not your own.</p> <p>You agree that we will not be liable for failed, delayed, or misdirected delivery of any information sent through the Service, any errors in such information, and/or any action you may or may not take in reliance on the information or Service.</p>

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