
Privacy Policy

<ul> <li>Home »</li> <li>Privacy Policy</li> </ul>Privacy Policy <p>Paradigm Sample, LLC. ("PS") is a US market research company and the owner of, a social networking site (the "Site"), which allows users to post online surveys, answer surveys, either Internal TW surveys or Third Party Surveys (herein after referred to as "External Surveys") from Third Party Companies (herein after referred to as "External Survey Company" or External Survey Companies"), refer friends to the Site to similarly post and answer internal surveys and External Surveys, and provide certain personal information about themselves all while earning rewards that can be redeemed for merchandise. It also allows businesses and other organizations or individuals to participate in a variety of fee-based programs regarding the posting of surveys and the collection of survey data.</p> <p>This <strong>Privacy Policy</strong> ("Policy") and the <strong>Terms and Conditions</strong> contain important details about registration and participation in the Site and the TW Rewards Program. Please read them carefully. This Policy was last modified on:&nbsp;May 25, 2021.</p> <p>Any modifications to the Policy will be posted on the Site, so you should check the "last modified" date of the Policy periodically. The online version of the Policy is the governing version.</p> TW's Commitment to Privacy <p>This Policy and the Privacy Notice in the Terms and Conditions describe how we collect, use and disclose your personal information and the choices available to you about what information you disclose and how we use it. Visitors to the Site are free to browse without providing any personal information. However, choosing not to provide TW with certain personal information may result in you being unable to use functions of the Site such as posting surveys, enrolling in the Program, and earning rewards and TW Points.</p> Do Not Sell My Personal Information <p>TW will not sell Personal Information without explicit consent from Members. Section “<em> <strong>Does PS disclose my personal information to third parties?</strong> </em>” describes who has access to your information and to what end. Members have full control in updating their personal information and to opt out of the Program entirely. More details about opt-out process can be found on “<em> <strong>How do I opt-out of information I have provided to TW through the Site?</strong> </em>” section.</p> Who can use the Site? <p>You must be at least eighteen (18) years old. Only residents of Canada or the United States can participate in the TW Rewards Program.</p> What kind of personal information is collected on the Site? <p>TW collects personal information when and if you register for the Site. On registering as a Voter Member, TW collects your first and last name, unique email address, gender, and date of birth ("Account Information"). After registering, a Voter Member has the option to provide more personal information, namely "Additional Personal Information" (e.g. your education level, yearly income, type of residence, (rent or own), marital status, ethnicity, occupation, and whether or not you have children, ages of children) all of which may be added to from time to time and "Contact and Shipping Information" (e.g. your address and phone number). On registering as a Business Member, TW collects your business's name, your first and last name, and unique business email address. TW also collects a Business Member's Billing Address. TW does not collect personal information from Unregistered Users.</p> <p>We may also collect in the background information about your computer hardware and software (if applicable). This information may include (among other things) your IP address, browser type, domain names, access times, and referring website addresses. PS uses this information to operate our Web and mobile sites, to maintain quality of our services, and to provide general statistics regarding use of our sites and services</p> <p>For the purposes of this Policy, a reference to "personal information" hereafter includes Account Information, Additional Personal Information, Contact and Shipping Information, Billing Address and Background Information.</p> How can I review, edit and/or request access to my personal information? <p>After registration, Members can choose a profile picture to associate with their Account. Your profile picture can be edited once you have logged in by clicking on the "Profile" in the top right hand corner of the screen.</p> <p>You can also contact our Privacy Office by emailing to access, change or update your personal information or for more information about our use of your personal information. PS will do its best to respond to your request within thirty (30) days of its receipt. However, TW reserves the right to take an additional thirty (30) days if:</p> <ul> <li>Responding to you in the original 30 days would unreasonably interfere with TW's activities, or</li> <li>Additional time is required to conduct consultations or to convert personal information to an alternate format to accommodate your request.</li> </ul> <p>Please note there are certain situations, where permitted by law, when we cannot disclose personal information to you. This includes situations where the personal information contains references to other individuals, the personal information is subject to solicitor-client or litigation privilege, or there are legal, security or proprietary reasons for not disclosing the information.</p> <p>How is my personal information used?</p> <p>TW may use your personal information in the following ways:</p> <ul> <li>To process and send Voter Members merchandise redeemed with their TW Points,</li> <li>To process and bill Business Members for the purchase of business packages,</li> <li>By TW and Business Members to analyze demographic information with respect to survey responses. See "Do Business Members receive my personal information connected with my survey responses?" below,</li> <li>For TW's internal purposes, such as to identify website usage trends, for audits, to enhance our website and address problems, to track compliance with the Site's Terms and Conditions, and to protect the security and integrity of the Site.</li> <li>To contact you regarding your transactions with us, such as survey approval or disapproval, billing problems associated with Business Member accounts or shipping problems associated with rewards for Voter Members.</li> <li>To send you emails related to the Program that are administrative, for example, emails about your account ("Program Emails").</li> <li>To send you promotional emails about the products and services available as part of the Program, surveys from our Business Members and External Surveys.</li> <li>Voter Members may also send surveys from the Site to email addresses in their possession. On sending these surveys, the recipient of the survey will see the Voter Member's name and email address.</li> <li>TW has various checks and balances to determine if a Voter Member is random clicking and or using computerized techniques to perform automated voting on online surveys. These techniques will raise a flag in the Voter Member Site profile, only accessible by the Site administrators. Voter Members are subject to TW reward forfeiture and account closure as per the Terms and Conditions.</li> <li>PS may also share your personal (but non-identifiable) data with our clients who request this information for use in aggregate analysis. For example, PS may provide a client with data collected from a recent survey, with variables such as age, household income, or gender from the registration survey appended to the file. This is primarily designed to save our panelists time and effort, so they do not need to re-answer these questions on each and every survey. This appended data, however, will never include personally identifiable information such as your full name, mailing address, or email address.</li> </ul> Do Business Members receive my personal information connected with my online survey responses? <p>No. Your Account Information is not disclosed to Business Members who send you surveys through the TW system. Rather, TW sends the Surveys and Promotional Emails on their behalf. A Voter Member's answer to a survey is not disclosed by TW to Business Members unless they ask for personally identifiable information in the survey and you consent by responding with this information. Any demographic information given to Business Members regarding the responses to their survey questions is aggregated and not personally identifiable. Cross tab reporting is available to the Business Member, however there is no voter id, name, email reference provided, unless the Voter provides this information themselves by inputting this as part of an answer. A Voter Member can also let others know his/her answer if they do so in writing through a blog comment post on the Site or through other means by the Voter Member directly when answering a survey. To illustrate: If a Business Member is interested in internet usage, they may post a survey which asks Voter Members questions like "How much time do you spend on the internet a week, that is not work or school related?" Answer options might be in ranges like 0 to 5 hours, 6 to 10 hours, etc. TW tabulates the results which will then be available to the Business Member by broad categories such as gender, age, country, state, ethnicity and marital status or by answer when crosstab reporting is used. Results will not be provided based on email, personal or user name, or telephone number. Cross tab reporting is available to the Business Member, however there is no voter id, name, email reference provided, unless the Voter Member provides this information themselves by inputting this as part of an answer.</p> Does PS disclose my personal information to third parties? <p>PS does not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer outside the Site personal information that Members provide in ways different from what is disclosed in this Policy. The Site would include any successor in title or a future owner of the business.</p> <p>PS may allow authorized third party service providers access to personal information collected though the Site to perform services on their behalf, including personal information required for reward redemption. PS's service providers are required to provide appropriate protection for all personal information and to limit their use of such information to providing services on PS's behalf. These service providers may be in another country, and the personal information may be subject to disclosure in accordance with the applicable laws of that jurisdiction, which may create a different privacy regime from your country of residence.</p> <p>PS may provide personal information of Voter Members who take External Surveys to the External Survey Company when this information is required for matching to a third party database for member authentication or data matching. In all cases the External Survey Company shall not use or disclose the Respondent Identifiable Information for any other purpose, including, without limitation, marketing third-party services, selling to or influencing the opinions or decisions of any Voter Members or contacting the Voter Member in any manner under any circumstances for any purpose without the Voter Member's approval.</p> <p>PS may also share your personal information and/or social-demographic information, including, without limitation, a unique identification number ("UID"), postal code, gender, marital status, education, ethnicity/race (where permitted by applicable law), employment related information, and non-personally identifiable information on household members, with External Survey Companies for the purpose of identifying survey opportunities that you may be eligible for through the External Survey Companies. If you are eligible for a survey opportunity, the External Survey Company will provide your unique identification number and a survey link to TW and we will invite you to participate in the survey. We will not share your name, email address, or phone number with these External Survey Companies. In connection with the sharing of your information with an External Survey Company, your information may be transferred and stored outside of your country of residence, including, without limitation, in the United States. If you have any questions about this data sharing please contact or alternatively you can opt-out of the by unsubscribing here: Your participation in such survey opportunities does not entitle you to any benefits offered by, or membership with, the External Survey Companies.</p> <p>In addition,PS may be required to disclose personal information collected through the Site to: (1) satisfy or comply with any law, regulation or other governmental or law enforcement request. (2) protect our or any other person's rights, privacy or safety. (3) protect against fraud or other illegal activity. (4) allow us to pursue remedies or limit damages that we may sustain in a legal action. or (5) enforce the Terms.</p> What information will other visitors to the Site be able to see? <p>Remember, your responses to a survey will not be personally identifiable or publicly disclosed (see "Do Business Members receive my personal information connected with my survey responses?" above). However, any Voter Member's User Names and Business Members names are associated with any surveys or comments that they post on the Site and can be seen by visitors to the site.</p> <p>Voter Members within the Site will be able to see another Voter Member's country along with state/province and name if the Voter Member has agreed to allow this information to be visible to their friends. These privacy settings are adjustable under the "Settings" tab accessible on the "Account" page. Voter Members and Guest members will also be able to see another Voter Member's User Name or Business Member's name associated with any surveys or comments, as well as their profile pictures.</p> <p>Because Voter Members' User Names will be publicly displayed, it is strongly recommended that it not contain any information that could identify you, such as your last name.</p> <p>Voter Members may email each other through the Site's internal email system and send friend requests to other Tellwut members through the internal system.</p> How do I opt-out? <p>Any Voter Member who does not wish to receive further Program Emails or Online Surveys or Promotional Emails from us or our Business Members can opt-out of receiving such emails or mail by:</p> <ul> <li>Following the instructions in each such email where applicable, or</li> <li>By emailing us at</li> <li>By adjusting your settings at&nbsp;</li> </ul> <p>Please be sure to include your full name and email address when you subscribed to the Site. It may take up to ten (10) days to process a request received by email.</p> <p>If you change your mind and would like to start receiving Program Emails or Surveys or Promotional Emails from us or our Business Members again, you can do so by emailing us at or adjusting your settings at</p> <p>If you want to delete your account or permanently opt out from the Site, please email us at Your account cannot be reinstated once it has been deleted and you will lose any unredeemed points. All the personal information (such as email, first and last name, address, phone number, etc) you shared previously will be deleted from our systems and we are not able to retrieve it. Comments on member surveys will be anonymized. If your membership has been permanently deleted, but you wish to become a Voter Member again, you will need to sign up as a new Voter Member. It may take up to ten (10) days to process a request received by email.</p> Does the Site use cookies? <p>Yes, the Site uses cookies. A "cookie" is a small data file that is stored on your computer when you visit a website, such as the Site. TW uses cookies to optimize a user's experience on the Site. The cookie information is an anonymous profile that helps us to determine the user's origin. We also use cookies as session ID markers to recognize a visitor when they return to the Site and confirm that Members are logged in.</p> <p>TW does not track a visitor's behavior on the Site through use of cookies and no personal information is stored regarding the visitor. TW does not look at any other cookies nor do we store information for other sites to use. You can configure your browser not to accept cookies. However, you will not be able to access certain features of the Site, such as logging in, answering survey questions, or posting surveys.</p> <p>Some of the External Surveys TW offers are related to online or mobile ad exposure programs. To facilitate participation in these programs through TW, we or the External Survey Company or their client may write, set or read first and third party cookies, locally shared/stored objects, flash cookies, and/or any other related technology (herein referred to as "Digital Cookies"). A unique identification number and a source identification number may be stored in the Digital Cookie. If you have viewed or interacted with the online ad or promotion, the External Survey Company will send us your unique identification number and a link to the specific survey offer which you may access through an email from TW or via the TW Site. Survey participation is completely voluntary and you can opt-out at any time.</p> Does the Site use Google Analytics? <p>Yes, the Site uses Google Analytics, a web analytics tool provided by Google, Inc. ("Google") that helps PS understand how visitors engage with our website. Google Analytics uses cookies and IP addresses. The information generated by cookies about the use of our website and your IP address will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information to evaluate how visitors use our website, compile reports on website activity for us and provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google Analytics collects information anonymously, and will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. To opt-out of Google Analytics, you can install Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-On. For information about and to install Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, click here: For more information related to Google Analytics, click here:</p> How does TW use IP addresses or website log files? <p>An IP address is a number automatically assigned to your computer by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). It is logged automatically in TW‘s server log files whenever you visit the Site, along with the time of your visit and the pages you visited on the Site. It is standard practice on the Internet to collect IP addresses.</p> <p>We use IP addresses to ensure a survey is only answered once, as well as to analyze trends such as website usage levels, administer the Site, track users' movements, and gather broad demographic information for TW's internal use. IP addresses are associated to a Voter Member's Account for ensuring compliance with Terms and Conditions relating to one account per household and non acceptance of Members using Proxy IP's.</p> What about third party links on the Site? <p>This Site may contain links to other websites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you will be entering another website. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of these linked sites as their privacy policy may differ from ours. Including a link to a third party website on the Site does not mean or imply that TW endorses the third party website.</p> How does PS protect personal information collected on the Site? <p>PS implements a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of all personal information provided on the Site. PS uses physical (e.g. locked filing cabinets, restrict building access, alarm systems), organizational (e.g. security clearances, access to personal information on a "need to know" basis only, employee training), and technological (e.g. encryption and password protection) safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access to personal information.</p> <p>All personal information collected is contained behind secured networks and is only accessible by a limited number of employees with special access rights to such systems as well as by authorized service providers. PS employees are required to sign confidentiality agreements on employment with the company. Authorized service providers performing services on behalf of PS are required to provide similarly appropriate protection for all personal information and to limit their use of such information to providing services on PS's behalf (see "Does PS disclose my personal information to third parties?").</p> <p>Members also have a significant role in protecting their personal information. No one can access your account without knowing your password. So, we suggest selecting a password that is hard to "crack" (e.g. use numbers with upper and lower case letters) and not sharing your User Name and password with anyone. Your password can be changed at any time by logging in to your account, clicking on "Account" in the top right corner, and selecting the "Settings" tab.</p> How long does PS retain personal information? <p>Any personal information you provide to PS and any content posted on the Site is kept as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Policy, unless a longer retention period is required by law. When PS no longer needs to retain your personal information, it will be destroyed in a manner that ensures its private and confidential nature is preserved.</p> How is my consent obtained by TW? <p>For all users (Unregistered Users, Voter Members and Business Members), your use of the Site constitutes your consent to the collection and use of non-personal information such as cookie information, website logs and IP addresses by TW as described in this Policy. By providing your Account Information on registering as Members, you consent to the collection and use of any personal information by TW as described in this Policy and agree to receive email survey invitations to participate in surveys.</p> <p>TW will post changes to this Policy at, as described above. Your continued use of the Site will constitute your consent to the changes to the Policy. It is your responsibility to check the "last modified" date of the Policy periodically.</p> How do I contact TW? <p>You have a right to receive access to personal information we have on file and the right to challenge the accuracy and completeness of your information and have it amended as appropriate.</p> <p>In some circumstances permitted by law, TW may not be able to provide access to your information or to all of it. For example, TW will not provide access to information if doing so would reveal personal information about a third party, would reveal confidential commercial information, or if it is protected by solicitor-client privilege or was generated in the course of a formal dispute resolution process.</p> <p>We welcome your questions, comments, and concerns about privacy. For anything to do with this Policy or to challenge TW's compliance with this Policy, please contact us at:</p> <p>Email:</p> <p>TW will inform individuals making inquiries or lodging privacy complaints about its inquiry or complaint procedures, as applicable. Where a complaint is justified, TW will implement measures, including amending the Policy and its practices, if required.</p> Legal Disclaimer <p>This Policy is subject to applicable national privacy laws such as the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). PS reserves the right to change the Policy at any time and at its sole discretion. Please also read PS's Terms establishing the use, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of TW.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>© 2021 Paradigm. All rights reserved.</p>

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