
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy <strong>If you have any privacy-related questions or concerns,</strong> please visit our Contact Us page or mail us at: <br> <br> Avenu Insights &amp. Analytics<br> Attention: MissingMoney.com<br> 100 Hancock Street, 10th Floor<br> Quincy, MA 02171<br> <br> <br> <strong>I. Overview of Our Privacy Policy</strong> <br> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>Our Commitment to Privacy</strong> <br> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>Generally</strong> <br> We recognize the importance of privacy to you, the Members and users of the MissingMoney.com web site (the "Web Site"). We also recognize the potential sensitivity of information that you may place on Our Web Site. We are committed to protecting your privacy and promise to maintain any personal information you provide in the manner detailed in this Privacy Policy. We are also committed to ensuring that Web Site users and Members are aware of the ways in which we maintain and use user-provided and Member-provided information. Notice of Our Privacy Policy (including a link directly to the policy) appears on the Web Site home page and on each page at which a user or Member is asked to input personal information.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Who Are "We"?</strong> <br> “We” are Avenu Insights &amp. Analytics, d/b/a Avenu Unclaimed Property Clearinghouse (“UPCH”), the company that operates the Web Site. UPCH may hire third-party vendors to assist in the administration of the Web Site, such as processing, storage, and handling user/Member information or in relation to the processing of Member communications. These vendors are required to maintain the confidentiality of the user/Member information to which they become privy and to otherwise abide by the terms of this Privacy Policy. These vendors are prohibited from using the user/Member information for any other purpose. As used herein, "We" also includes any of these vendors acting on behalf of UPCH.<br> <br> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <strong>Our Commitment to Data Security</strong> <br> To prevent unauthorized access to the Web Site or any portion thereof, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have enacted commercially-reasonable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure, during transmission and storage, the information we collect online.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Special Note Regarding Web Site Use By Children</strong> <br> This Web Site is neither directed to nor designed for use by children - i.e., anyone under eighteen years old. Children are not eligible to become Members of the Web Site. Only people eighteen years old or older may become Members.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Changes To This Privacy Policy</strong> <br> UPCH may, pursuant to its agreement with the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators ("NAUPA") from time to time, modify this Privacy Policy. Any change to the Privacy Policy must be submitted to NAUPA for review and consent prior to its becoming effective. In the event of any material change, addition, or deletion to the Privacy Policy, UPCH will provide via e-mail seven (7) days' prior notice of the modification to all Members. It is your responsibility to ensure that the contact information appearing in your Self-Profile is current and correct. (Otherwise, you will not receive notice of the modifications.) Should you not wish to be bound by the modified Privacy Policy, you must cancel your Membership and discontinue your use of the Web Site. If you are not a Member, you are bound by the Privacy Policy in effect at the time of each separate access to or use of the Web Site.<br> <br> Your continued use of the Web Site after any such change is made constitutes acceptance of and agreement to be bound by the terms of the Privacy Policy as modified. Only UPCH, pursuant to its agreement with NAUPA, can modify the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. </li> </ol> <strong>II. Information We Collect and How We Use It</strong> <br> Our primary goal in collecting personal information about Our Members is to provide a quick, easy-to-use, customized Web Site experience for them. Although non-Members may also use the Web Site to run individual searches, to reach other sites, and for other limited purposes, the majority of personal information that a user may provide via the Web Site comes from Web Site Members. In relation to the Membership sign-up process, new Members are asked to provide certain items of personal information. Some of the requested items are required to complete the Membership enrollment process. Other items are optional, and may be supplied at the Member's option. The various types of personal information that may be provided by users or Members of the Web Site include the following:<br> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>Information You May Provide and How We Use It</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>Manual Search Information</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>What Is It?</strong> <br> The Web Site allows searches by both non-Member users and Members via the manual input into the database search box of the name against which the database will be checked (the "query"). Once they are logged in, Members need only provide the query to perform a manual search. Non-Members must also provide their state and the zip code of their residence to perform manual searches.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>How Do We Use It?</strong> <br> This information is used only to track the amount of database use in different parts of the country. The query name is not saved and is used only to generate the results of your search. These results are returned only to you and are not otherwise saved.<br> <br> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <strong>Member Information -- Self Profile</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>What Is It?</strong> <br> When you, at your discretion, sign-up as a Member of MissingMoney.com, you must provide several items of personal information (the "Mandatory Information"). Mandatory Information items are identified with an asterisk at the Member sign-up screens and include name, first name, last name, email address, a self-chosen password, a self-chosen password hint, zip code, state, country, and the manner in which you learned about the Web Site. You may also provide additional information during the Member sign-up process and while editing your profile. This Optional Information, which is generally used in support of claims processing identity verification, is so designated at the profile edit screens and may include such items as your birthday, social security number, gender, phone number, previous last names and previous addresses. You may also be given the opportunity from time to time to provide additional Optional Information at the Web Site in relation to outreach activity. For the purposes of this privacy Policy, the information you provide about yourself is collectively referred to as your Self Profile.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>How Do We Use It?</strong> <br> Except as required by law, to protect the rights and property of UPCH and or MissingMoney.com, or as is otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, personally-identifying Membership information (i.e., information specific enough to allow a third-party, such as a state or agent of the state, to discern your identity) is never provided to a third-party without your express consent, other than, of course, to UPCH's agents/contractors charged with monitoring and administering the Web Site, all whom are bound to protect your privacy according to the terms of this Privacy Policy. (See the definition of "We" above.)<br> <br> We may use the information you provide to generate statistical information concerning Web Site use (e.g., that there are over x number of users in a given state, that x% of the Web Site users are over a certain age, that x number of Web Site users work in a given industry, etc.) We may disclose this statistical information to third-parties, such as a state or NAUPA.<br> <br> We may also use the information you provide to contact you as described herein.<br> <br> Finally, if, after a successful search, you choose to initiate the claims process through the Web Site, certain elements of Mandatory and/or Optional Member information may be provided to the relevant State in relation to the legal processing of your claim.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>How Do I Review Or Change My Self Profile?</strong> <br> You can review and/or edit the Self Profile that you previously created by visiting the MissingMoney.com home page and signing in to the site. From the Members Area screen you may edit your profiles. You must enter your user ID and password to access or change your Self Profile.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Canceling your Membership</strong> <br> You can cancel your Membership at any time and for any reason by selecting the "Cancel My Membership" link, which appears in the Profiles section within the Membership Screens. We will flag your Membership information immediately upon receipt of your cancellation request and will not use your information thereafter. We may, however, maintain the Membership information for up to a year due to the fact that canceled Membership records are purged on an annual basis. We reserve the right to cancel your Membership at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, and without notice to you. Reasons for cancellation may include, but not be limited to, violation of any portion of this Privacy Policy, the Web Site Terms of Service, or any applicable laws or regulations.<br> <br> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <strong>Member Information - Additional Profiles</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>What Are They?</strong> <br> Among the advanced features offered to Our Members is the ability to perform periodic searches on the same name or person without having to manually re-enter the relevant search information. Instead, in addition to his or her Self profile, a Member may establish search profiles for other persons, such as relatives and friends ("Additional Profiles"). As with the Member's Self Profile, the creation of a new Additional Profile includes elements of Mandatory and Optional Information. An Additional Profile must include the Profiled person's first name, last name, and relation to the Member. An Additional Profile may also, at the Member's option, include additional items of information concerning the Profiled person, such as birthday, social security number, previous last names, previous addresses, e-mail address, gender, and phone number.<br> <br> Except as required by law, to protect the rights and property of UPCH and or MissingMoney.com, or as is otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, personally-identifying information contained in an Additional Profile (i.e., information specific enough to allow a third-party, such as a state or agent of the state, to discern your identity) is never provided to a third-party without your express consent, other than, of course, to UPCH's agents/contractors charged with monitoring and administering the Web Site, all whom are bound to protect your privacy according to the terms of this Privacy Policy.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>How Do We Use Them?</strong> <br> Except as required by law, to protect the rights and property of UPCH and/or MissingMoney.com, or as is otherwise described in this Privacy Policy, personally-identifying Additional Profile information (i.e., information specific enough to allow a third-party, such as a state or agent of the state engaged in claims processing, to discern the identity of the Profiled person) is never provided to a third-party, other than, of course, to UPCH's agents/contractors charged with monitoring and administering the Web Site, all whom are bound to protect your privacy according to the terms of this Privacy Policy. (See the definition of "We" above.)<br> <br> We may use Additional Profile-related information to generate statistical information concerning Web Site Profiles, in much the same manner as such statistical information is generated as explained above in relation to Member Self Profiles. We may disclose this statistical information to third-parties, such as a state or NAUPA.<br> <br> We will never contact a Profiled person on the basis of his or her inclusion in the Web Site records, except as required by law, to protect the rights and property of UPCH, MissingMoney.com, and/or the Profiled person, or as is otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. Furthermore, if an unclaimed property claim is instituted on the basis of a Profile search, we may provide certain elements of the Profile to the relevant State in relation to the legal processing of the claim and/or may contact the Profiled person or his or her heirs.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>How Do I Review, Change, Or Delete My Additional Profiles?</strong> <br> You (or the person profiled in the Additional Profile, so long as you provide that person with your user ID and password) can review and/or edit the Additional Profile(s) that you previously created by visiting the MissingMoney.com home page and signing in to the site. From the Members Area screen you may edit your profiles. You or the profiled third-party must enter your user ID and password to access or change your Additional Profiles. Furthermore, if we receive notice from a third-party that you are maintaining an Additional Profile on that third-party and that the third-party objects to the maintenance of the Additional Profile, we shall, without notice to you, delete that Additional Profile. You (and any interested third-parties) should note, however, that a "delete request" must include the name of the Member allegedly maintaining the objectionable profile, the objecting third-party's full name, and other information sufficient to distinguish the objecting third-party from other similarly-named individuals. As a Member or user of the Web Site, you acknowledge and agree that the decision of whether to delete or allow a complained-of Additional Profile is at UPCH's sole discretion, and you release UPCH from any and all liability regarding any such decision or deletion.<br> <br> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <strong>"Tell Us Your Story" Information</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>What Are They?</strong> <br> Users and Members who use the Web Site to locate missing money due them have the option of sharing their good fortune via the "Tell Us Your Story" and "Success Stories" sections of the Web Site. These portions of the Web Site, which are entirely optional, provide a forum by which a user or Member may post information concerning the user's or Member's location of lost funds due the user or Member. (The information is input at the "Tell Us Your Story" section. The information may be displayed at the discretion of UPCH at the "Success Stories" section.) Should you opt to post a Success Story, the information you submit may include (but is not limited to) your name, your city and state of residence, the state in which you located the missing money, and the amount of the successful unclaimed property claim. By posting information to this portion of the Web Site, you warrant and represent that: (1) you are the person to whom the funds were due, or, in the alternative, you can provide proof of express permission of that person to post the Success Story. (2) all information you provide is true, complete, and correct. and (3) you have the capacity and authority to grant the release and permission to use and republish set forth immediately below.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>How Do We Use It?</strong> <br> Posting of any information to the Tell Us Your Story and/or Success Stories sections of the Web Site constitutes your permission for us to use the posting, any portion thereof, and/or any information contained therein (including your name) for any purpose allowed by law, including trade, marketing, and other forms of advertising or promotion without compensation to you or any other party. Specifically, by posting any such entry, you grant to us a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, and fully licensable right and authorization to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, create derivative works from, translate, display, and otherwise distribute your Entry and information worldwide via any media now existing or later developed for any legal purpose.<br> <br> Furthermore, you acknowledge that your Entry may be viewed by all other Members and users of the Web Site. Finally, we reserve the right in our sole discretion to edit or delete in whole or in part any Success Story entries. We do not, however, undertake any duty of review or censorship of these entries and hereby disclaim any and all liability for or arising from in any way the content of these messages or entries, regardless of the grounds for or nature of the claim.<br> <br> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <strong>"Tell A Friend" Information</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>What Is It?</strong> <br> Users of the Web Site may share their good fortune or recommend the Web Site to friends and family via the "Tell A Friend" feature, which allows the User to send an e-mail to up to three recipient e-mail addresses. The User need not exit from the Web Site to send the e-mail(s). The User must provide his own e-mail address to complete the "from" line of the "Tell A Friend" e-mail(s) and must enter the e-mail address(es) of the intended recipient(s). The pre-existing text of the e-mail, which may be modified by the User, contains a message recommending the Web Site. By using the "Tell A Friend" feature, a User represents that he has entered his own valid e-mail address in the "from" line, that he has a pre-existing non-commercial relationship with each recipient, and that no commercial, harassing, or otherwise improper or illegal content has been added to the message.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>How Do We Use It?</strong> <br> We reserve the right to keep and maintain, for the purposes of security and system administration, "Tell A Friend"-related information, including the identity of the sending User, the e-mail address entered by that User in the "from" line, and the e-mail address(es) of the parties to whom the e-mail was sent. Personally-identifying "Tell A Friend" information (e.g., individual e-mail addresses) will never be sold, used, or disclosed by us except as follows. Such information may be used or disclosed for security and administrative purposes in the event that: (1) We receive complaints about "Tell A Friend" e-mail(s) you sent or received. (2) the User's sending of the e-mail(s) gives rise to security or administrative issues. or (3) We investigate or aid in the investigation of any actual or suspected violations of the Web Site Terms of Service, this Privacy Policy, and/or any governing law or ordinance.<br> <br> Finally, we do not save or review any modifications to the e-mail content. Accordingly, We do not undertake any duty of review or censorship of the "Tell A Friend" e-mails and hereby disclaim any and all liability for or arising from in any way the content, sending, or receipt of such messages, regardless of the grounds for or nature of the claim.<br> <br> </li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <strong>Communications You May Receive From Us</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>Mandatory Messages To Members</strong> <br> By signing on as a Member, you agree to receive periodic communications, via e-mail and/or other means, regarding the maintenance and operation of the Web Site, new Web Site features, other Web Site news or offers, and the like. You also agree to receive (either separately or included in the Web-Site related communication) periodic updates and promotional messages from participating states and provinces, their trade organizations or UPCH, the company that owns and administers the Web Site. You may opt-out of receiving these communications at any time by canceling your Membership.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Optional Messages To Members</strong> <br> During the Member sign-up process, you are also given the opportunity to opt-in or opt-out of receiving additional communications from third-parties. The relevant portion of the Member sign-up screen provides an opt-in selection. You may opt-out of receiving such communications by un-checking the permission box. If you wish to change your initial opt-in/opt-out selection (i.e., if you chose opt-in, but now wish to opt-out, or vice-versa), you may do so at any time by modifying your Self Profile by visiting the MissingMoney.com home page and signing in to the site. From the Members Area screen you may edit your profiles.<br> <br> </li> </ol> </li> </ol> <strong>III. Other Privacy Issues</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>Third-Party Links In The Web Site</strong> <br> We may provide via the Web Site, links to other World Wide Web sites.<br> <br> You should review the relevant disclaimer in the Web Site Terms of Service concerning third-party links. We make no representations and cannot vouch for the privacy-related policies or practices of any third-parties, including other websites.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>Cookies</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>What Are "Cookies"?</strong> <br> Cookies are text files that are stored on a web site user's computer by the web site. Cookies typically contain user-related information such as preferences, status, settings, etc. The purpose of most cookies is to make use of the Internet easier and quicker. Most browsers allow the user to choose settings that allow the use of cookies, that provide notice to the user when cookies are being stored, and/or that refuse all cookies.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>How Do We Use Them?</strong> <br> We use cookies to help us remember you and your interests. This allows us to deliver content and communications designed to be of specific interest to you. Cookies also allow us to remember your password so you do not have to enter it each time you access the Web Site. Although your decision of whether to accept or refuse cookies will not interfere with your use of most of the Web Site, you must accept cookies to enable the personalized features described above. You should also note that we have no control over the use of cookies in the advertisements, banners, and other third-party links on the Web Site.<br> <br> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <strong>IP Addresses</strong> <br> <ol> <li> <strong>What Is An "IP Address"?</strong> <br> An IP Address is a unique identifying number that is automatically assigned to any computer connected to the Internet. Depending on the nature of your Internet connection, the IP may change each time you connect or may always be the same number for that computer.<br> <br> </li> <li> <strong>How Do We Use Your IP Address?</strong> <br> We reserve the right to log IP Addresses for system administration, security, statistical analysis, demographic analysis of Web Site use, and other such functions.<br> <br> </li> </ol> </li> <li> <strong>Communications To Us</strong> <br> Comments, suggestions, or other communications sent by you to us are deemed to be non-confidential. We have no obligations of any kinds in relation to such comments, suggestions, or communications and are free to use or distribute them in any way, including in relation to the administration, update, or improvement of the Web Site, without compensation to the author, sender, or any other party. All communication with MissingMoney.com must be sent via email or through our Support Form.<br> <br> <br> <strong> Privacy Policy<br> Last Material Revision: January 5, 2019. </strong> </li> </ol>

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