Cellular News

Privacy Policy

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Cellular News&nbsp;is committed to the protection of your personal information and would like to reassure you of our position on this matter. &nbsp;</p> <p>The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to tell you what type of information we collect, how we may use that information, whether we disclose it to anyone,&nbsp;as well as&nbsp;the opportunities you have to access and correct the information we hold.&nbsp;</p> <p>We encourage you to check this policy regularly as this policy may change from time to time. If you have any suggestions or concerns that are not addressed in this policy, please contact us.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Please take some time to read through this policy and understand our position on privacy before you provide us with any personal information.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <b>Personal&nbsp;</b> <b>Information We May Collect</b>&nbsp. <p>Cellular News will only collect personal information about you if it is reasonably necessary for our functions and activities.&nbsp;When submitting information to us, we may collect details such as your name, email&nbsp;and&nbsp;phone number.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Some of this information is essential for us to be able to identify accurately who is using our services so that we may be able to respond to your requests and, as such, is indicated by mandatory fields. Mandatory information requirements are clearly identified and are denoted by an asterisk (*).&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>When submitting a form, you will also be prompted if any mandatory data has not been completed.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Other types of information are collected to help us provide better services. Information of this type is optional&nbsp;–&nbsp;you need only fill it in if you wish to do so.&nbsp;</p> <p>You may be asked to provide Cellular News&nbsp;with personal information when you:&nbsp;</p> <p>– Email us with queries, comments, suggestions or other information;&nbsp;</p> <p>– Use our contact form to communicate your queries, comments, suggestions or [Text Wrapping Break]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;other&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp;information&nbsp;</p> <p>– Request for partnerships and collaborations&nbsp;</p> <p>– Subscribe to our&nbsp;newsletter;&nbsp;</p> <p>– Order products or services using our website&nbsp;</p> <p>In addition, we may also collect information about you if you:&nbsp;</p> <p>– post comments or submit content which is publicly available which contains information about you&nbsp;–&nbsp;this may&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. include information such as your name, username, likes, tweets, status, profile information and pictures;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>When you engage in the activities described above, you are&nbsp;authorising&nbsp;us to collect, store, use and disclose such information and content in accordance with this policy.&nbsp;</p> <p>Cellular News will not collect sensitive information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, or details of health, disability or sexual activity or orientation.&nbsp;</p> <p>You have the option of not identifying yourself or dealing with us using a pseudonym in relation to particular matters. We will&nbsp;endeavour&nbsp;to make it clear where you may withhold your name or use a pseudonym.&nbsp;</p> <b>Non-</b> <b>P</b> <b>ersonal&nbsp;</b> <b>I</b> <b>nformation&nbsp;</b> <b>W</b> <b>e&nbsp;</b> <b>M</b> <b>ay&nbsp;</b> <b>C</b> <b>ollect</b>&nbsp. <p>Cellular News may also collect non-personal information, such as your IP address or your browsing patterns, by using cookies on its websites. The use of cookies is an industry standard and you’ll find most major websites use them. One way to prevent the use of cookies is to activate the facility which is available in most web browsers that enables the user to deny or accept cookies.&nbsp;</p> <b>How&nbsp;</b> <b>W</b> <b>e&nbsp;</b> <b>U</b> <b>se&nbsp;</b> <b>Y</b> <b>our&nbsp;</b> <b>I</b> <b>nformation</b>&nbsp. <p>If we hold personal information about you that was collected for a particular purpose, we will not use or disclose it for another purpose unless: (a) you consent. (b) you would reasonably expect us to use or disclose it for that other purpose. or (c) it is required or&nbsp;authorised&nbsp;by law or a court/tribunal order.&nbsp;</p> <p>Cellular News generally uses personal information, and you consent to us using your personal information, to:[Text Wrapping Break]&nbsp;</p> <p>– help Cellular News&nbsp;manage and enhance its services and websites;&nbsp;</p> <p>– communicate with you. or&nbsp;</p> <p>– send you ongoing information and promotional material about opportunities, services and products (relating to&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. our business or a third party business) in which Cellular News&nbsp;believes you may be interested.&nbsp;</p> <p>We may also share your personal information with our Related&nbsp;Websites and/or Partners.&nbsp;</p> <p>The information and feedback you provide through our websites may be used to identify ways of improving the websites and how we can make them more effective for your use.&nbsp;</p> <b>Unsubscribing&nbsp;From&nbsp;Notifications</b>&nbsp. <p>At the time we collect information from you, you may be asked to&nbsp;“opt in”&nbsp;to consent to us using or disclosing your personal information, other than in accordance with this policy or any applicable law.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>You may contact us at the address below to&nbsp;“opt out”&nbsp;or unsubscribe from&nbsp;any future communications.&nbsp;</p> <p>Cellular News will use reasonable endeavours to comply as quickly as possible with that request.&nbsp;</p> <p>If you receive communications purporting to be connected with us or our services that you believe have been sent to you other than in accordance with this policy, or in breach of any law, please contact us.&nbsp;</p> <b>Disclosure&nbsp;</b> <b>Of Your Personal Information</b>&nbsp. <p>You consent to Cellular News disclosing your personal information to the authorised personnel of Cellular News and to:&nbsp;</p> <p>– our Related Websites/Companies;&nbsp;</p> <p>– our Partners;&nbsp;</p> <p>– third parties which we engage with in Joint Activities;&nbsp;</p> <b>Related Companies</b> <b>/Companies</b>&nbsp. <p>You acknowledge and agree that we may collect and share personal information about you with related&nbsp;corporate&nbsp;bodies&nbsp;and&nbsp;affiliated&nbsp;websites&nbsp;and businesses (<i>Related Companies</i>) so we can provide you with the products and services you request and bring you information about products and services we offer.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>We will inform our Related Companies that information shared with them must be collected, used, disclosed and stored in accordance with this policy.&nbsp;</p> <b>Partners</b>&nbsp. <p>In some cases, we contract with other companies or individuals to work with us or provide goods or services for us (<i>Partners</i>) including business partners, distributors, suppliers and advertisers.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>Examples of the goods and services our Partners may provide are electronic communications, data storage, deliveries, direct marketing services, market research, prizes, advertising, public relations, debt collection, legal advice, accounting and audits.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>We provide our Partners only with such information about you as they need to provide their goods or perform their services and we impose strict requirements of security and confidentiality on them in how they handle your personal information. We make it clear that our Partners are not permitted to use your personal information other than as permitted under this policy.&nbsp;</p> <p>You hereby consent to the disclosure of your personal information to such Related Companies and Partners overseas (as referred to above).&nbsp;</p> <b>Joint Activities</b>&nbsp. <p>We may jointly conduct activities, such as competitions and other promotions, with sponsors, prize providers and other third parties (<i>Joint Activities</i>). We may share personal information you submit in connection with the Joint Activities with the third parties involved and you consent to us doing so.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Information shared with such third parties will be collected, used, disclosed and stored in accordance with the third parties’&nbsp;privacy policy.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Terms and conditions for Joint Activities will inform you that your information is being shared and the terms upon which it may be used by the third party.&nbsp;</p> <b>Access And Correction Of Personal Information</b>&nbsp. <p>Cellular News will take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is accurate, up to date and complete.&nbsp;</p> <b>Access Of Personal Information</b>&nbsp. <p>Where Cellular News&nbsp;holds personal information about you, we will provide you with access to the information on request within a reasonable time.&nbsp;</p> <p>In that case, where required, we will give you written notice setting out the reasons for our refusal and the mechanisms available if you wish to complain about our refusal.&nbsp;We will also give you access to the information in the particular manner you request if it is reasonable and practicable to do so.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>If we do not give you access in the manner requested, we will take reasonable steps to give you access in a way which meets both your needs and ours.</p> <p>We may also impose a reasonable charge for giving you access to your personal information.&nbsp;</p> <b>Correction</b> <b>&nbsp;Of Personal Information</b> <p>If Cellular News&nbsp;is satisfied that your personal information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading, we will take reasonable steps to correct your personal information.</p> <p>In addition, if you request us to correct your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to do so within a reasonable time. If you request it, we will also take reasonable steps to notify any other Related Companies or Partners of the changes if we have previously provided your personal information to that entity.</p> <p>There is no fee for correcting your personal information. We may require you to provide particulars of your identity before providing you with access to, or making changes to, your personal information.&nbsp;</p> <b>Security</b>&nbsp. <p>Cellular News will take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access and modification or disclosure. </p> <p>Any personal information that we receive is securely stored and access is restricted to authorised personnel of Cellular News, its Related Companies and Partners, as described above.&nbsp;</p> <p>Please contact us immediately at the address listed below if you become aware of any unauthorised use of your personal information.</p> <b>Third</b> <b>-P</b> <b>arty&nbsp;</b> <b>W</b> <b>ebsites</b>&nbsp. <p>You may follow links on our websites to other third party websites (<i>Other Sites</i>). &nbsp;We encourage you to always read the privacy policies on those Other Sites as they may also collect your personal information. Cellular News&nbsp;is not responsible for the information on, and the contents of, those Other Sites or their practices or policies.&nbsp;</p> <b>Contact us</b>&nbsp. <p>If you:&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>(a) have any questions or comments on this policy;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>(b) would like to access or correct your personal information;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>(c) would like to know how we received your personal information;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Please contact us at <strong>contact@cellularnews.com</strong>.&nbsp;</p>

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