
Ableton AG — General Terms and Conditions

Ableton AG — General Terms and ConditionsAbleton AG — General Terms and Conditions (GTC)<br> 1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Scope / Contracting Partner<p>1.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;These general contractual terms and conditions (GTC) form the basis of all contractual and non-contractual relationships between the Ableton AG (Ableton) and its customers. For purposes of these terms, consumers are natural persons within the meaning of § 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB). For purposes of these terms, entrepreneurs are persons within the meaning of § 14 BGB. For purposes of these Terms, customers are both consumers and entrepreneurs.</p> <p>1.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;These Terms apply exclusively. Terms and conditions of customers that conflict or deviate from these are inapplicable, unless Ableton has agreed explicitly to their applicability. These Terms also apply even if Ableton unconditionally accepts a customer`s offer to conclude a contract knowing that terms of the customer exist which are contrary or deviate from this GTC. These Terms also apply to future contracts with respect to transactions with entrepreneurs.</p> <p>1.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The Contracting Partner is the</p> <p>Ableton AG<br> Schönhauser Allee 6-7, D-10119 Berlin, Germany<br> Executive Board: Gerhard Behles, Jan Bohl</p> <p>Ableton can be reached under the following e-mail:<br></p>2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Order Procedure / Concluding a Contract<p>2.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The conditions with respect to Ableton’s goods are non-binding unless otherwise explicitly agreed in writing. Goods can be ordered over the order forms on the Ableton website. The customer fills out the order form, agrees to these GTC, EULA , and the latest version of the privacy policy , all available on, and presses the buy-button. An order made over the order forms constitutes a binding offer of the customer to conclude a contract with Ableton.</p> <p>2.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The contract exists once Ableton receives the offer and sends a confirmation via e-mail. The contract begins at latest however once Ableton begins actions in fulfillment of the contract, i.e. &nbsp;by providing the goods. The text of the contract will be stored on Ableton’s internal system and sent to the customer by e-mail.</p> <p>2.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The contract will be concluded and executed in German, English, French or Japanese, depending on which language the customer choses during the ordering process. The customer can view the terms and conditions at any time on Ableton’s websites. The contract is not accessible via the internet once an order is made.</p> <p>2.4.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;For purposes of fulfillment of the contract, that is, in order to fulfill the performance due under the contract, Ableton may also make use of vicarious agents.</p>3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Prices / Shipping Costs / Customs<p>3.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The prices on Ableton's website apply, unless agreed otherwise. If the customer is a consumer, the prices are set out in the order form. The indicated retail prices for the purchased product are excluding shipping costs, yet including sales tax insofar as applicable and at the amount valid at the time the order is made. This does not apply for consumers who download software from the Ableton website in the U.S.A. &nbsp;and for consumers who get shipments from Ableton in the U.S.A. Here a sales tax applies which may vary from county to county. If in the course of its business activities, an entrepreneur places an order, the price specifications given indicate net prices without shipping costs and excluding VAT.</p> <p>3.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The customer carries all shipping costs due. These costs will be depicted separately in the respective order data. Further costs will be due individually in cases of cross-border deliveries, such as additional taxes and/or charges, or e.g. costs in the form of duties. The customer bears these costs.</p> <p>3.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;After a consumer has exercised the right of rescission (Sec. 7.5 above) the consumer must bear the regular return shipping cost.</p>4.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Payment / Delivery Times<p>4.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Invoices are payable to Ableton immediately upon receipt. The customer agrees to pay the invoice amount at latest within 14 days of receipt of the respective goods.&nbsp;</p> <p>4.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The following paragraph only applies to consumers with their main residence in countries where Splitit is offered as an installments payment option and the consumer has chosen Splitit as instalment payment option.<br> <br> a)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;What is Splitit?&nbsp;<br> Splitit is a payment solution enabling customers to pay for purchases with an existing Visa or MasterCard credit card by splitting the cost into interest-free monthly payments.</p> <p>b)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;How does Splitit work?<br> Customers who choose Splitit to pay, understand and agree that Splitit requests authorization from their credit card company, reserving the total purchase amount from their available line of credit. When customer chooses to pay in installments, the total price of customer’s purchase is blocked from customer’s available credit limit. That means the total amount is held in reserve on customer’s card to ensure payment. The first installment is immediately deducted from customer’s card. Then, each month, according to customer’s payment plan, the installment amount is collected and Splitit requests authorization for the remaining balance. The authorization will remain in effect until customer cancels it in writing, in which case customer’s remaining balance becomes due.</p> <p>c)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Pay the remaining balance in full&nbsp;<br> Upon completing customer’s first transaction, customer may pay off customer’s balance early.</p> <p>d)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Failed authorization / failed payment<br> In case of an authorization being rejected for any reason, customer understands that Ableton may attempt to process the charge again within seven (7) days after notifying customer via e mail.</p> <p>In the event that customer fails to pay an instalment for any reason, Ableton may charge customer’s credit card at any time for the full outstanding amount due.<br> </p> <p>4.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Notwithstanding all other rights of Ableton and subject to mandatory legal provisions, if a customer is a consumer, the customer must pay a default interest of 5% per year over the base rate pursuant to § 247 BGB during the period of default. Notwithstanding all other rights of Ableton, if the customer is an entrepreneur, the customer must pay default interest of 9% per year over the base rate pursuant to §247 BGB during the period of default. Ableton retains the right with respect to the entrepreneur to prove and assert a claim for higher default interest damages, and likewise the entrepreneur may proof that lesser damages exist.</p> <p>4.4.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Ableton is entitled to offset any claims against the customer. Ableton is also entitled to collect claims or have claims collected from the customer’s account, insofar as the customer has agreed hereto.</p> <p>&nbsp;If the customer is not a consumer, the customer is only entitled to set off claims against Ableton that are undisputed or claims that have been determined without further legal recourse. Statutory binding off-set prohibitions remain unaffected.&nbsp;</p> <p>4.5.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The customer may only exercise its right of retention, when its counter claim is based on the same contractual relationship.</p> <p>4.6.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The customer may only assign its claims under the contract, if the customer receives prior explicit consent from Ableton. The consent may not be unreasonably denied. § 354a HGB remains unaffected.</p> <p>4.7.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Ableton shall provide services within the contractually agreed-upon deadlines. If Ableton is prevented from making a timely delivery due to events of force majeure, for example mobilization, war, riot, strike, lockout, fire, natural disasters, transport problems, changes to legal provisions, administrative measures or the occurrence of other unanticipated events not caused by Ableton, the shipping deadlines will be prolonged accordingly.</p>5.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Transfer of Risk<p>5.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;If the customer is a consumer, the risk of accidental destruction and accidental deterioration of goods passes to the consumer upon the delivery of goods, in cases of mail orders as well.</p> <p>5.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;If the customer is an entrepreneur, the risk of accidental destruction and accidental deterioration of the product passes to the entrepreneur upon delivery of goods to the carrier, shipper or other person or institution designated to execute the delivery.</p> <p>5.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;With respect to the download and sending of data over the Internet, the risk of destruction or modification of the data passes to the customer upon the passage of the data over the network interface.</p> <p>5.4.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The delivery is deemed as performed, regardless of whether the customer is in default with their acceptance.</p>6.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Retention of Title<p>6.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;If the customer is a consumer, Ableton retains title to the goods until full payment of the purchasing price.</p> <p>6.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;If the customer is an entrepreneur, Ableton retains title to the goods until full settlement of all claims arising from the ongoing business relationship. If the value of the goods retained exceeds the claims arising from the ongoing business relationship by 10%, Ableton is required to release the goods retained at the request of the entrepreneur.</p> <p>6.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The customer is obliged to treat the goods with care during the period of retention of title. As long as ownership did not pass to customer, the customer must inform Ableton promptly of all access to the goods made by third parties, in particular of compulsory execution measures under law, as well as any damages or the destruction of the goods, to enable Ableton to enforce its ownership rights. The same applies, if possession of the goods changes or the customer’s address changes. The customer must indemnify Ableton for damages caused by the customer’s breach of this obligation if the third party is not able to reimburse these costs to Ableton.</p> <p>6.4.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;If the customer is an entrepreneur, the customer is authorized to resell the goods in the ordinary course of business, also if the goods still belong to Ableton due to existing retention of title. The customer herewith transfers all claims hereto up to the outstanding amount, which accrue against a third party from the sale. Ableton accepts the transfer. Following the transfer, the entrepreneur is authorized to collect the debt. The authorization may be withdrawn at any time, if the entrepreneur does not properly fulfill its obligations to pay and the entrepreneur defaults on payment.&nbsp;<br> Any processing or transformation of the goods subject to retention of title by the customer shall be carried out in any case for Ableton. If the goods subject to retention of title are processed with other things not belonging to Ableton, Ableton acquires co-ownership of the new item in the share of the value of the goods subject to retention of title (net invoice amount including VAT) and the other processed things at the time of their processing. For the new object resulting from such processing, the same rules apply as to the goods subject to retention of title. &nbsp;<br> In the event of inseparable intermixing of the goods subject to retention of title with other things not belonging to Ableton, Ableton shall acquire co-ownership of the new thing in the share of the value of the goods subject to retention of title (net invoice amount including VAT) and the other intermixed things at the time of the inseparable intermixing.&nbsp;<br> Is the thing not belonging to Ableton the main thing of the result of the inseparable intermixing, Ableton and the customer agree that customer will transfer co-ownership to Ableton. Ableton hereby accepts the transfer. Customer will keep the thing of which Ableton gained the sole ownership or co-ownership in the described way, free of charge.&nbsp;</p> <p>6.5.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Is the delivery of software part of the subject matter of the contract to purchase hardware in accordance with this clause, Ableton grants to the customer, upon full payment of the purchase price, a permanent, transferable and simple right of use in accordance with the subject of the agreement. Until full payment of the purchase price, Ableton grants to the customer a simple, non-transferable right of use of the software. This right is revocable in case of default of payment. The removal of a copy protection or similar protection routines is permitted, if this protection mechanism impairs or prevents the trouble-free use of the program. Copyright notices, serial numbers and other features serving to identify the program may not be removed or changed.&nbsp;</p>7.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Warranty / Push – Customer Service<p>7.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;If the customer is a consumer, the statutory warranty shall apply.<br> Customers residing in the Europe may assert their warranty rights against Ableton within two years of the transfer of risk, provided customer has purchased the product directly from Ableton.</p> <p>7.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The customer may direct any questions related to warranty, repairs or returns, to &nbsp;Ableton Support. In order to avoid unnecessary delays and cost, the customer is asked not to return any products without first contacting Ableton Support. If the customer is a consumer residing in the EU, the &nbsp;statutory warranty rights are not affected. The Ableton Support may be contacted via</p> <p>Contact support form&nbsp;</p> <p>7.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Push Warranty Information for U.S. Product Purchases</p> <p>a)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;What is covered and for how long?</p> <p>ALL PRODUCTS: ABLETON AG ("ABLETON") warrants to the original purchaser that ABLETON's products and accessories are free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for the period commencing upon the date of purchase from an authorized ABLETON dealer and continuing for the following period of time after that date for one (1) year. ABLETON warrants factory-refurbished merchandise to be free of material and operational defects for a period of one year from original date of retail sale. This refurbished merchandise warranty is not transferable.</p> <p>b)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;What is not covered?</p> <p>This Limited Warranty is conditioned upon proper use of the product by the purchaser. This Limited Warranty does not cover:<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Damage caused by improper installation or improper connection to any peripheral<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Damage caused by an external electrical fault<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Damage caused by any unintended use of the supplied power adapter<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Damage from use of parts not manufactured or sold by ABLETON<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Product purchased from anyone other than an ABLETON authorized dealer<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Modifications to product not approved in writing by ABLETON<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Equipment that has the serial number removed or made illegible<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Normal cosmetic and mechanical wear<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Damage or loss during transit to an Authorized ABLETON Repair Center<br> •&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Units that are purchased and/or located outside of the fifty (50) American States and Puerto Rico.</p> <p>c)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;What are ABLETON's obligations?</p> <p>During the applicable warranty period, ABLETON will repair or replace, at ABLETON's sole option, without charge to the purchaser, any defective component part of the product. To obtain service under this Limited Warranty, purchaser must first contact ABLETON customer service at or at 1-646-862-7998 and obtain further instructions on the process. Upon receipt, ABLETON will repair or replace the defective products. ABLETON may, at ABLETON's sole option, use rebuilt, reconditioned, or new parts or components when repairing any product or replace a product with a rebuilt, reconditioned, new or comparable product. Repaired products will be warranted for a period equal to the remainder of the original Limited Warranty on the original product. All replaced parts, components, boards and equipment become the property of ABLETON. If ABLETON determines that any product is not covered by this Limited Warranty, ABLETON will provide purchaser with an estimated repair cost and if purchaser agrees, purchaser must pay all parts, shipping, and labor charges for the repair or return of such product. In case purchaser does not agree the repairs will not be made and the product needing repair will be disposed of unless purchaser within three working days informs ABLETON that the purchaser wants the product returned at purchaser’s cost and provides ABLETON with payment for the return shipping.</p> <p>d)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;What are the limits on ABLETON's liabilities?</p> <p>THE WARRANTIES GIVEN IN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, TOGETHER WITH ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES COVERING ABLETON PRODUCTS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ABLETON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS, DAMAGES TO PURCHASER'S PROPERTY, OR INJURY TO PURCHASER OR OTHERS ARISING OUT OF THE USE, MISUSE OR INABILITY TO USE ANY ABLETON PRODUCT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, OR NEGLIGENCE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ABLETON's OWN NEGLIGENCE, EVEN IF ABLETON OR ITS AGENT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BROUGHT AGAINST PURCHASER BY ANY OTHER PARTY. &nbsp;THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE COMPLETE WARRANTY FOR ABLETON PRODUCTS, AND IS GIVEN IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANYONE OTHER THAN THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER OF THIS PRODUCT AND STATES PURCHASER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. IF ANY PORTION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS ILLEGAL OR UNENFORCEABLE BY REASON OF ANY LAW, SUCH PARTIAL ILLEGALITY OR UNENFORCEABILTY SHALL NOT AFFECT THE ENFORCEABILITY OF THE REMAINDER OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY WHICH PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE CONSTRUED TO BE LIMITED BY ITS TERMS OR AS LIMITED AS THE LAW PERMITS.</p> <p>This Limited Warranty allocates risk of product failure between purchaser and ABLETON, and ABLETON's product pricing reflects this allocation of risk and the limitations of liability contained in this Limited Warranty. The agents, employees, distributors, and dealers of ABLETON are not authorized to make modifications to this Limited Warranty, or make additional warranties binding on ABLETON. Accordingly, additional statements such as dealer advertising or presentation, whether oral or written, do not constitute warranties by ABLETON and should not be relied upon.</p> <p>e)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;How does state law apply to this warranty?</p> <p>SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATIONS OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR PERMIT LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS, SO THE &nbsp;ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO PURCHASERS IN SUCH JURISDICTIONS.</p> <p>f)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Governing Law/Dispute Resolution:</p> <p>Unless otherwise required by the law of any state or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, this Limited Warranty will be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of New York and of the United States. This Limited Warranty shall not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded.</p> <p>This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights,<br> which vary from one jurisdiction to another.</p> <p>7.4.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Ableton does not provide customers any guarantees in a legal sense.</p>8.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Right of Withdrawal for Consumers<p>8.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Consumers in the EU have the following right of withdrawal.<br> a)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Contracts concerning the delivery of Push, books, clothing, bags, and other goods (“goods”)</p> <p>Right of withdrawal</p> <p>You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the goods.</p> <p>To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us</p> <p>Ableton AG<br> Schönhauser Allee 6-7<br> 10119 Berlin<br> Germany<br> Fax: +49 30 288763-13<br> E-mail:</p> <p>of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.&nbsp;</p> <p>To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.&nbsp;</p> <p>Effects of withdrawal&nbsp;</p> <p>If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the goods back or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is the earliest.</p> <p>You shall send back the goods or hand them over to us&nbsp;</p> <p>Ableton c/o Rhiem Services GmbH<br> Zunftweg 20, Tor 10-13<br> 46562 Voerde<br> Germany</p> <p>without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate your withdrawal from this contract to us.</p> <p>The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired. You will have to bear the direct cost of returning the goods.</p> <p>You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.</p> <p>b)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Contracts concerning the delivery of Ableton Live, Max for Live and Packs downloads (digital contents not stored on a physical data carrier)</p> <p>Right of withdrawal</p> <p>You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract.</p> <p>To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us&nbsp;</p> <p>Ableton AG<br> Schönhauser Allee 6-7<br> 10119 Berlin<br> Germany<br> Fax: +49 30 288763-13<br> E-mail:</p> <p>of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.&nbsp;</p> <p>To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.&nbsp;</p> <p> <br> Effects of withdrawal&nbsp;</p> <p>If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.&nbsp;</p> <p>Exception to the right of withdrawal:&nbsp;</p> <p>You may not withdraw an order for digital content if delivery has begun and if you expressly consented to the loss of this right prior to delivery and by acknowledging that your consent leads to the loss of the right to withdraw from the contract upon the performance of the contract having commenced.</p> <p>c)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Contracts concerning the delivery of Push + Live Standard or Push + Live Suite (goods and digital contents which form a single order but are delivered separately)</p> <p>Right of withdrawal</p> <p>You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day on which you acquire, or a third party other than the carrier and indicated by you acquires, physical possession of the goods.</p> <p>To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us&nbsp;</p> <p>Ableton AG<br> Schönhauser Allee 6-7<br> 10119 Berlin<br> Germany<br> Fax: +49 30 288763-13<br> E-mail:</p> <p>of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.&nbsp;</p> <p>To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.&nbsp;</p> <p>Effects of withdrawal&nbsp;</p> <p>If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise. in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the goods back or you have supplied evidence of having sent back the goods, whichever is the earliest.</p> <p>You shall send back the goods or hand them over to us&nbsp;</p> <p>Ableton c/o Rhiem Services GmbH<br> Zunftweg 20, Tor 10-13<br> 46562 Voerde<br> Germany</p> <p>without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which you communicate your withdrawal from this contract to us.</p> <p>The deadline is met if you send back the goods before the period of 14 days has expired. You will have to bear the direct cost of returning the goods.</p> <p>You are only liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from the handling other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.</p> <p>d)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Model withdrawal form</p> <p>(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)</p> <p>To<br> Ableton AG<br> Schönhauser Allee 6-7<br> 10119 Berlin<br> Germany</p> <p>Fax: +49 30 288763-13<br> E-mail:</p> <p>I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),<br> Ordered on (*)/received on (*),<br> Name of consumer(s),<br> Address of consumer(s),<br> Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),<br> Date<br> (*) Delete as appropriate.<br> 8.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;To ensure an efficient and customer-friendly processing we ask you to please send the returns to the address mentioned in the delivery slip not to the address mentioned above.</p> <p>8.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;A right of withdrawal does not apply to contracts according to § 312g (2) of the German Civil Code (BGB).<br> a)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts for the supply of goods that are not pre-fabricated and the production of which is governed by an individual choice of or decision by the consumer, or that are clearly tailored to personal needs of the consumer,&nbsp;<br> b)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts for the supply of goods which are highly perishable, or which may quickly pass their expiration date,<br> c)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts for the supply of sealed goods which are not suitable for return due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if such goods were unsealed after delivery,&nbsp;<br> d)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts for the supply of goods which, according to their nature, are inseparably mixed, after delivery, with other items,&nbsp;<br> e)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts for the supply of alcoholic beverages, the price of which has been agreed upon at the time of the conclusion of the sales contract, the delivery of which can only take place at the earliest after thirty days following the conclusion of the sales contract, and the current value of which is dependent on fluctuations in the market which cannot be controlled by the trader,&nbsp;<br> f)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts for the supply of sealed audio or sealed video recordings or sealed computer software, if they were unsealed after delivery,&nbsp;<br> g)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals or magazines with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications,<br> h)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts for the supply of goods or the provision of services including the provision of financial services, whose price is dependent on fluctuations on the financial market which cannot be controlled by the trader and which may occur within the withdrawal period, including in particular services in connection with stock, with shares in open-ended investment assets within the meaning of section 1 (4) of the Capital Investment Code [Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch], and with other tradeable securities, foreign currency, derivatives or money market instruments,&nbsp;<br> i)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;subject to the stipulations of sentence 2, contracts for the provision of services in the fields of accommodation other than for residential purposes, transport of goods, car rental services, deliveries of food and beverages, or services related to leisure activities, if the contract provides for a specific date or period of performance,<br> j)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts that are concluded in the context of a method of sale where goods or services are offered by the trader to consumers, who attend or are given the possibility to attend the auction in person, through a transparent, competitive bidding procedure run by an auctioneer and where the successful bidder is obliged to purchase the goods or services (publicly accessible auction),&nbsp;<br> k)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts where the consumer has specifically requested a visit from the trader for the purpose of carrying out urgent repairs or maintenance. this shall not apply as regards additional services provided on the occasion of such visit that the consumer has not specifically requested, or as regards any goods delivered on the occasion of such visit that are not absolutely required as replacement parts in carrying out the maintenance or in making the repairs,<br> l)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts for the provision of betting and lottery services unless the consumer has made his contract declaration by telephone or the contract is an off-premises contract, and<br> m)&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;contracts that are notarially recorded. this shall apply to distance contracts relating to financial services only in those cases in which the notary confirms that the rights of the consumer set out in section 312d (2) are safeguarded.</p>9.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Use Rights<p>9.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The customer is given a simple, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the licensed software for an unlimited period at the time full payment of the invoice is received. In addition, the so-called End User License Agreement applies.</p> <p>9.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Ownership of source codes and copyrights to programs remains with Ableton. Designations, data as to ownership and remarks regarding copyright of Ableton may not be altered by the customer. Software and accompanying materials may not be translated, decompiled, disassembled, reverse engineered or otherwise changed by the customer, unless Ableton has allowed this in writing or a limited legal permission exists hereto.</p> <p>9.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;If the use right granted to the customer ends, for example, after exercise of a contractual or statutory right of rescission, the customer is obliged to erase all stored data, upon which the acquisition of goods purchased from Ableton was based, from its computer system, unless this is &nbsp;forbidden due to legal or regulatory provision. All data media and copies or written documentation or documentation in text form of relevant data of Ableton must be immediately deleted or returned to Ableton.</p>10.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Limitations of Liability<p>10.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Ableton limits liability and the claims that legal representatives and vicarious agents have for contractual and extra-contractual damages from customers based on slightly negligent breach of duty to predictable direct average damages that are typical to the respective form of contract.</p> <p>10.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Ableton is not liable for slightly negligent breaches of non-essential contractual obligations , in so far as the infringement does not jeopardize the execution of the contract. This also applies to legal representatives and agents from Ableton. Essential contractual obligations of Ableton include, in particular, the delivery of the goods including the transfer of necessary rights.</p> <p>10.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The foregoing limitations of liability do not apply to damages for the loss of life, limb or health or in case of mandatory legal regulations, e.g., damages caused by violations of product liability law or a provided guarantee.</p> <p>10.4.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The aforementioned provisions also apply to Ableton’s legal representatives and performing agents.</p>11.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Privacy Policy<p>The collection, storage and processing of personal data is controlled by the standards set out in the separate Privacy Policy.</p>12.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Other<p>12.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Ableton reserves the right to change or supplement these terms and conditions for the future, &nbsp;i.e. to meet legal obligations or if changing market conditions require a change.</p> <p> <br> 12.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Ableton cannot always ensure continuous access to their websites due to technical factors such as telecommunication networks being overloaded. Customers will be informed in advance, if Ableton’s service is limited due to maintenance work.</p>13.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Final Provisions<p>13.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Choice of law. This agreement is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. This choice of law applies to customers who are consumers, but only insofar as the protection granted by mandatory provisions of the laws of the country, in which the customer has his habitual residence, is not withdrawn thereby. The choice of law furthermore only applies to customers insofar as no other law is chosen for certain provisions of these GTC, namely for Sec. 7.3. The provisions of the CISG and the conflict of law rules are not applicable.</p> <p>13.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Venue and jurisdiction. If the customer is a merchant, the exclusive venue for any dispute arising from this contract is Berlin. The same applies, if the customer has no general jurisdiction in Germany, or if their domicile or habitual residence are not known at the time the action is brought.</p> <p>13.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Referring to persons. Whenever the context requires, the masculine grammatical gender shall include the feminine grammatical gender and other gender identities.</p> <p>13.4.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Languages. German, English, French and Japanese versions of these GTC are available. In case of doubt the German version prevails, unless provided otherwise by mandatory legal regulations.</p>14.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Dispute resolution for consumers within the European Union<p>14.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Ableton does not commit to use an alternative dispute resolution entity to resolve disputes with consumers.</p> <p>14.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Online dispute resolution (ODR). The EU Commission provides an internet platform for online dispute resolution („ODR platform“). This ODR platform can be accessed here:</p>15.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Special Conditions for Contracts with Entrepreneurs within the European Union<p>The following derogations from the GTC above apply to customers, who are not consumers within the meaning of § 13 BGB, but entrepreneurs within the meaning of § 14 BGB:<br> 15.1.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;The withdrawal right according to Sec. 7.5 above does not apply, if the customer is an entrepreneur within the meaning of § 14 BGB.</p> <p>15.2.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;In deviation from Sec. 7.1 above the warranty period shall be one year from the delivery of the good.</p> <p>15.3.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;In deviation from Sec. 7.1 above the customer who is an entrepreneur shall inspect the good for quality and quantity deviations without undue delay after delivery and shall notify Ableton in writing of visible defects within a period of one week as of the delivery of the product. Otherwise assertion of the warranty claim shall be excluded. Hidden defects are to be reported in writing within a period of one week as of the detection.</p> <p>15.4.&nbsp;&nbsp. &nbsp;Voerde, Germany is the agreed place of performance.<br> </p> <p> </p>

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