
Terms And Conditions

Hotline +49 211 2370 4140 <ul> <li> </li> <li> </li> </ul> <ul> <li>Start</li> <li>Private Customers</li> <li>Business Customers</li> </ul> Terms And Conditions Withdrawel <p>Consumers may cancel their orders within 2 weeks of order date.&nbsp;Excluded is a withdrawal of products or services that are inherently unsuitable for return, such as domains that are already filed and registered on the end user or the phone numbers are on order and / or the customers have already launched or already completed porting.</p> <dl> <dt> </dt> <dd> Withdrawel <p>Consumers may cancel their orders within 2 weeks of order date.&nbsp;Excluded is a withdrawal of products or services that are inherently unsuitable for return, such as domains that are already filed and registered on the end user or the phone numbers are on order and / or the customers have already launched or already completed porting.</p> </dd> <dt>Terms And Conditions</dt> <dt>General Agreement</dt> </dl> <dd> <p>&nbsp;</p> Terms of Service §1 Scope of application. changes <p>(1)&nbsp;The dus.net GmbH in Düsseldorf/Germany (hereinafter dus.net) provides its services exclusively on the basis of these General Contract Terms and Conditions hereinafter referred to in its current form.&nbsp;These Terms apply to all contracts between dus.net and your customers.&nbsp;If for drawn products or services are subject to additional or different terms, these Terms and Conditions are supplementary.</p> <p>(2)&nbsp;&nbsp;Deviations from these conditions are only valid if confirmed in writing by dus.net.&nbsp;The staff of dus.net, with the exception of management, is not authorized to make &nbsp;agreements or to give verbal assurances that go beyond the content of the contract, including these relationships.</p> <p> <strong>§2 changes. fee changes</strong> </p> <p>(1) dus.net&nbsp;has the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions (Terms) with due to notice or supplement, unless the changes to the Terms and Conditions are reasonable, taking into account the interests of dus.net for the customer.&nbsp;Each amendment will be communicated to the customer on our websites (www.dus.net), by sending e-mail or conventional mail.&nbsp;The Terms are available to the customer at any time on our Web pages.&nbsp;A separate postal sending of the TNC is only on request and at an additional cost to the valid price list (§ 6 section 1 T) possible.</p> <p> <strong>§3 effect of changes</strong> </p> <p>(1)&nbsp;If the customer is not satisfied with the validity or the changes in conditions, he has no longer access to the services of dus.net. If, after changes in Terms, the customer ist still using the telecommunications services of dus.net, the customer accept the changes as a tacit of the amended terms.&nbsp;</p> §4 contract conditiones. contract partners <p>(1)&nbsp;The contract for the use of telecommunication services must be settled in written order of customer and acceptance of dus.net.&nbsp;An online registry and the returned documents are also a considered contract.&nbsp;Furthermore, the adoption by a written order, or by the execution of the order, and the early use of the services, will be performed by the dus.net.&nbsp;A contract may also come about if a service is mandated in its nature as the service requires no further settlement.</p> <p>(2) dus.net&nbsp;is entitled to request to enter into a contract by the customer on the use of the services of dus.net within a period of 14 days from the date of the application are known to correspond with dus.net.</p> <p>(3) contracts with dus.net will be closed only with adult individuals or legal entities, recognized under current law. If there is a legal gardian, the dus.net needs a fully testable agency relationship under current law.&nbsp;With more than a single access per household, special conditions apply. Unless otherwise agreed, for each single user access from the 2nd&nbsp;no free quota will be granted.</p> <p> <strong>§5 credit check. termination</strong> </p> <p>(1) dus.net&nbsp;is authorized by the Institute of customer residence protection society for General Collateral (Schufa) or for business customers from credit reports and credit insurance companies to obtain information on the creditworthiness of the customer and the customer's data due to the disputed amount (as requested order for undisputed claims, requested writ of execution to forward enforcement measures).</p> <p>(2)&nbsp;The contract is concluded for an indefinite time, if not otherwise agreed. Both parties have the right to dissolve the contract, with a deadline of 14 days to the end of the minimum contract period.&nbsp;The prepaid tariffs DUStel DUStel starter and 60 are terminated immediately without any time limit or by desired date. If a minimum contract &nbsp;period is concluded, the contract will renew after the agreed minimum term by one further month, but not exceeding one year, unless it is terminated by either party in advance of 14 days to the end of the contract period.&nbsp;The right to terminate for cause remains unaffected.&nbsp;Any termination must be made in written form, which is also maintained by fax.</p> <p>(3)&nbsp;the respective dus.net can also terminate the contract without a cause, but with a notice period of one month from receipt of the statement. dus.net can, in addition to the grounds expressly provided in these terms terminate immediately without notice if the customer has given rise to such termination for cause.&nbsp;One important reason may be a case where the client is blocking payments. A guilty despite of violation of § § 15 and 9,10,11 arise wholly or partly under the circumstances is an important reason.</p> <p>(4)&nbsp;Furthermore dus.net reserves the right to cancel a customer within 7 days, who is not using the available services for more than 5 weeks, and did not noticed this by fax or mail.</p> <p>(5)&nbsp;In the event of termination by speacial cause, dus.net has the right to charge two thirds of the sum of the monthly charges which the customer would have at a continuation of the contract with a notice of termination have been due to demand. If the customer can demonstrate the dus.net that there is no or only a minor economic damage caused by the termination, dus.net waives that right.&nbsp;</p> §6 prices. changes <p>(1)&nbsp;The prices are firm.&nbsp;Unless the main performance of the usage-independent basic fees are concerned, determines the charges dus.net the current price list at our discretion.&nbsp;For the selected type of contract and additional services, the currently prevailing rates of under http://www.dus.net published and on-demand price list.</p> <p>(2)&nbsp;In case of any price changes that are notified one month in advance, the customer may continue in his termination.&nbsp;§ 5 para 2 above.&nbsp;Using the services to change prices, or to change the tariff or the jeweiligenDienstleistung signifies the acceptance of price changes and requires the customer to pay.</p> <p>(3) dus.net&nbsp;is entitled to a maximum of once per quarter to increase the charges.&nbsp;The price increase will be subject to the consent of the customer.&nbsp;The approval shall be granted unless the customer notified of the price increase in writing within four weeks of receipt of the notice of change is contrary in writing.&nbsp;dus.net committed to the customer on the consequences of non-objection to the amendment notice.</p> <p>(4) dus.net&nbsp;&nbsp;may, under certain conditions authorize dus.net credits.&nbsp;This can be done for example in the context of special promotions.&nbsp;Credits are based on a package with a minimum term will be paid at the end of the minimum term or during that netted with corresponding benefits.</p> <p>(5)&nbsp;For the determination of approaches created with fake data, we charge a processing fee (currently EUR 150.00 19% VAT) of the preparers and users of data / access.</p> <p>(6)&nbsp;The use of VoIP dus.net is charged separately depending on your tariff.&nbsp;Falling price for the basic tariff to be, this calculated in advance.&nbsp;Call charges will be, if the postpaid tariff (on invoice) is based on month-end in calculated retrospectively.&nbsp;The payment of each tariff are described separately.</p> <p>(7) As part of the acquisition of call data for billing be carried out at the beginning and end of the connection points in time rounding the seconds. Due to this rounding, the call durations may be for settlement by one second shorter expelled and also calculates the price, than the actual connection time. Seconds or minutes clocking depends on the respective current rate that is valid at the time of the interview, or the regulations of the Federal Network Agency for special telephone number bills in the respective valid version</p> <p> <strong>§7 change of selected services</strong> </p> <p>(1)&nbsp;The customer can expand each of the services used in dus.net any time, change or restrict.&nbsp;For the extension, restriction or change the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and the specific terms of the relevant services.&nbsp;The extensions, restrictions or exchange of services is done according to the price list as described in § 6 section 1 Conditions.</p> <p> <strong>§8 scope. minors and liability</strong> </p> <p>(1)&nbsp;The detailed specifications of the contract and use any additional documents and guidelines dus.net services lie at the Company's available for inspection.&nbsp;They may also be accessed for free at dus.net electronically or requested a written document.&nbsp;For the postal delivery on request the respective prices of the price list are (§ 6 section 1 T).&nbsp;dus.net reserves the right to extend the services to change and improve.&nbsp;dus.net also has the right to change the services, unless such change industry practice or taking into account the interests of dus.net is reasonable for the customer.&nbsp;These include, for example, legislative changes / additions, changes or technical regulations and instructions of the authorities.</p> <p>(2) allows the customer dus.net to in the previous paragraph to access the Internet.&nbsp;The use of the Internet is at your sole risk of the customer.&nbsp;For retrieved content of any kind - especially not for correctness, completeness and compliance with the applicable national or international law, the content - dus.net assumes no responsibility or liability.&nbsp;If the customer about his access minors allowed to access the Internet, the Kundedie takes sole responsibility for this.&nbsp;The customer is aware that some Internet content may not be suitable for minors.</p> <p>(3) defects and faults are dus.net case later than notified within two weeks of becoming aware, in writing or by email.&nbsp;Subject to the other provisions of this Section shall be liable dus.net not for direct or indirect damages whatsoever arising from information that the customer has in the use of Internet services receive the dus.net.&nbsp;dus.net is not liable for errors in software, not for content or programs and in particular not for the content of the Internet, even for defective media, error of the network structure or the compatibility of programs or their parts.&nbsp;dus.net is only liable for damages based on your own unlawful and intentional conduct or gross negligence failing in its legal representatives or vicarious agents.&nbsp;The liability of dus.net for slight negligence.</p> <p>(4) dus.net ensures accessibility to its services by 99% over the year.&nbsp;Except, times are the result of technical or similar problems, not within the control or jurisdiction of dus.net.&nbsp;These include), among other acts of God, natural disasters, terrorism, third party etc..&nbsp;dus.net can restrict Internet access and other services to the extent that the security of the operation of maintenance of network integrity is maintained wird.Insbesondere dus.net can take measures used to avoid serious disturbances in the exercise of commercial purpose.&nbsp;Particular measures to protect customers from dus.net without prior notice any of consolidated customer to approve (shutdown of websites hacked off, a script, DoS attacks, etc. Packetflooding).</p> <p>(5) If a root server object of the contract or part of a contract, this is provided by the data center and dus.net dus.net installed.&nbsp;The duration of contracts and notice periods with each contract individually controlled.&nbsp;DieMindestvertragsdauer is 3 months.&nbsp;Any time fees are due when the services.</p> <p>(6) The maintenance of root server is the customer.&nbsp;He alone has full access to the system.&nbsp;dus.net is only on behalf of the customer and actively performs commissioned work, the fee is stated in the contract. by (remote hands)&nbsp;All other contractual parameters for root servers are defined in the root server contract.</p> <p>(7) Is Equiment-Housing article or part of the contract, the dus.net defined an area for the Contracted Equipment of customers in data center.&nbsp;Other services are also defined in the housing contract.</p> §9 customer duties and obligations. consequences of breach of obligations <p>(1) The Customer shall at its own expense for the installation operation and maintenance to provide electrical energy required and the possibly necessary equipotential including grounding is available.</p> <p>(2) The customer is obliged to replace expenses occurred due to a failure of the customer's review of the technical facilities if no fault of the tech.Facilities existed in the area of ​​responsibility of dus.net and the customer would have to recognize this with reasonable verification.</p> <p>(3) The Customer warrants that the information given by him meet (personal data, bank, postal address or similar.) The correctness, and change in dus.net informed immediately.</p> <p>(4) The customer is required to bring any change in his name, address (for companies and the change of the legal form of representation, and the billing address of the registered office) and his bank dus.net reported to the police.</p> <p>(5) Any false, incomplete, or not communicated changes can lead to the rejection of the recording service by dus.net or for immediate termination of the license agreement without notice by dus.net.</p> <p>(6) information, announcements and changes of dus.net sent mainly to the specified e-mail address when registering the client.&nbsp;The customer is obligated to check this email address regularly for new messages.&nbsp;If not, the information are still considered to be delivered.&nbsp;If this email address changes, the customer must be notified thereof dus.net to our attention immediately.</p> <p> <strong>§10 user code (NuO)</strong> </p> <p>(1) Details of the interaction among customers and the public are regulated by dus.net through a user order (Nuo).&nbsp;These rules are binding on the customer.&nbsp;Violations of the provisions of this NuOberechtigen dus.net, after one unsuccessful warning to terminate the contractual relationship without the taking of a period.&nbsp;In severe cases, dus.net also waive the warning and to repeal § 5 para 3 the relationship immediately.&nbsp;The right to make any legal claims by third parties or dus.net remains unaffected.</p> <p>(2) The customer is obliged to set up his usage so occur, excessive stress services, the backbone, or services can not.</p> <p>(3) The customer is produced for all of its access or access code or its contents transmitted responsible.&nbsp;To the contents include postings, websites, newsgroup postings, e-mails, chats, etc. A monitoring by dus.net does not occur.&nbsp;The customer may be retrofitted to any deletion of content.&nbsp;This gives rise to the customer no legal claim to a subsequent deletion.</p> <p>(4) If a server object or performance of the contract the customer is required to create an imprint on the publicly accessible pages and label clearly visible as such.&nbsp;The imprint must be reachable from the first website.&nbsp;Other statutory labeling requirements arising from services provided and accordingly this the customer must however take into account.&nbsp;The customer provides dus.net from any claims arising from a breach of the obligations set out in § 9.</p> <p>(5) a mail server and / or web server is in the subject of the contract and / or a power of such, the customer is not required to violate the law.&nbsp;Similarly, the maintenance of good morals, rights (copyright, name, trademark and privacy rights, etc.) is mandatory.&nbsp;In particular, the customer agrees not to offer pornographic content and no commercial services and the pornographic or erotic content (images, videos, streams, etc.) or used.&nbsp;Entries are only searching through the use of keywords is not allowed against the aforesaid obligations and rights violated.&nbsp;Should the customer violate this duty and / or breach of applicable law in this context, the customer agrees to a contractual penalty in the amount of EUR 6,000.00 (six thousand) to be paid immediately upon request from dus.net.&nbsp;Prosecution or other assertion of damages remains unaffected.</p> <p>(6) a mail server and / or server object of the contract is and / or performance of such, the customer is required to make its website so that an excessive load on the server, as such, eg by scripts that require high computing power or excessive amount of memory required, is avoided.&nbsp;dus.net is entitled the Web server will not exclude the above mentioned requirements for access and / or use by the customer and third parties.&nbsp;dus.net will tell the customer immediately of such measures and to encourage improvement.&nbsp;If the customer can prove that such an improvement has occurred dus.net the affected services will again make available to customers and third parties.&nbsp;dus.net is not obliged to check the website of legal violations.&nbsp;Detect violations of law or dus.net dus.net gained knowledge of content that are not permitted by § 5 para 9, 10, 11, 15, dus.net entitled block them or the entire contents of the web presence.&nbsp;dus.net is the customer immediately report such actions.</p> <p>(7) The Customer shall not e-mails that contain advertisements or to a ship to multiple recipients without their express permission, or to have it sent.This is especially true if these mails are sent en masse (SPAM).&nbsp;If the customer violates this duty is dus.net entitles the customer to immediately block.Further prosecution by third parties is unaffected.</p> <p>(8) If the customer has not agreed otherwise stated rate is the Internet at 1024kbit / s.&nbsp;The customer is not entitled to more than the access code to use a computer.&nbsp;Should the tariff provide for multiple-user or even need (router) this central access to the Internet is also not transferable to another (routers).This restriction shall then only in the context of a simultaneous use of the access.</p> <p>(9) may be supplied with the hardware must accept the license -. And Conditions of the respective manufacturers.</p> <p> <strong>§11 passwords</strong> </p> <p>(1) The customer is obliged to keep the agreed access passwords secret.&nbsp;If it is possible, however, that a third party could have obtained knowledge of the password, it must notify the customer immediately.&nbsp;The customer is liable for all royalties and damages caused by the use of the user's access, regardless of which person using the access people and the user name used.</p> <p>(2) Use of the Internet access by third parties or subletting without the express permission of dus.net not permitted.&nbsp;</p> <p>Should a violation be known a dismissal under § 5 § 3</p> <p> <strong>§12&nbsp;settlement, billing period</strong> </p> <p>(1) If the customer is charged the transfer volume establishing the volume is calculated as follows.&nbsp;One gigabyte is one thousand megabytes and a megabyte is one thousand kilobytes and a kilobyte is 1000 bytes.&nbsp;Is a free quota contained in a tariff so this is Determined by the above rules.&nbsp;More consumption is also determined and charged to the customer in accordance with § 6 § 1.</p> <p>(2) The relevant accounting period includes one month of billing month begins on the day of the operative provision.&nbsp;The billing month ends one day before the same day of the following calendar month.&nbsp;Absent that day in a calendar month, whichever is the last day of the calendar month.&nbsp;Internet connections will extend beyond the last day of the billing month during the next billing month included in the following billing month.</p> <p>(3) dus.net reserves the right to charge for the current month from a cumulative amount of EUR 25.00 an interim settlement and to deduct that amount.For new customers, retains dus.net before an accumulated amount of EUR 10.00 without special billing attribute on account of the new customer load.</p> <p>(4) If Equiment-housing or one or more root server object or part of a contract are measured all the data volume on the basis of the used bandwidth and calculated.&nbsp;An inclusive bandwidth provided is always deducted.&nbsp;The calculation is based on the incoming and outgoing traffic of customers at the switch port.&nbsp;Calculation is based on transfer measurements every 5 minutes.&nbsp;The bandwidth is then at the end of each calendar month averaged over 2 hours and calculated dieresultirende bandwidth.&nbsp;The formula for the calculation is:</p> <p>Calculated bandwidth in = ECI&nbsp;<br>Bandwidth determined based EBO =&nbsp;<br>Including bandwidth = IB&nbsp;<br>Additional entgeltfpflichtige bandwidth = ESD&nbsp;<br>(EBI + EBO)-IB = ESD</p> <p>Prices for additional bandwidth used is always in full Mbit / s calculated (megabits per second).&nbsp;Prices for additional Mbit / s are defined in the respective agreement.</p> §13&nbsp;Invoicing and Payment <p>(1) will be invoiced via email to the principle in dus.net deposited, provided for it, email address or in his personal account.&nbsp;Business customers will receive a digitally signed statement from one of derBundesnetzagentur approved certification body.&nbsp;dus.net will provide the bills at least two working days before the direct debit.&nbsp;All fees are due immediately after receipt of the invoice.&nbsp;The amounts are recovered in principle by direct debit.&nbsp;Exceptions are the payment vereibart separately.&nbsp;The customer authorizes dus.net incurred charges on his or her designated with dus.net bank collect.&nbsp;The bank document contains in a form capable of booking all billing relevant data (invoice number, tax, etc.).&nbsp;A conventional account is created only on request at an additional cost to the valid price list (§ 6 section 1 T) and sent by post.</p> <p>(2) The invoice amount is dependent on the choice of the tariff which is agreed with the customer separately or the customer himself selects online.&nbsp;In the collective agreement or the agreement is a fee included dus.net has the right to collect premiums in advance, earliest at the beginning of the defined deployment.&nbsp;Other charges are payable immediately after the service of billing.</p> § billing data 14, the Customer objects to user fees <p>(1) The for invoicing and billing traffic data stored by dus.net be deleted for privacy reasons and eighty days following the date of the invoice.&nbsp;Objections to invoices the customer has filed within six weeks after receipt of the written statement in the bill designated address.&nbsp;The omission of timely objections shall be deemed approval.&nbsp;dus.net will inform the customer of the objection period and the consequences of missing the deadline.</p> <p>(2) Where are saved for technical reasons or on request of the client can not connect data connection or stored data is deleted true dus.net not be obliged to individual compounds.</p> § rear load 15, in advance, delay and its consequences <p>(1) dus.net If a deterioration in the financial condition of the customer, such as the request for bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings or exchange process known as dus.net is entitled to demand payment in advance or security deposits.&nbsp;This also applies to irregularities in payments (charge backs, etc.).</p> <p>(2) If a bank debit a handling fee of EUR 10.00 will be charged if the customer can not prove that the repeated charges of dus.net is responsible.&nbsp;If there is a chargeback, the customer is not his fault dus.net can prove the customer has to transfer the amount of the chargeback plus the processing fee within 5 working days on one of the accounts of dus.net.</p> <p>(3) If the customer's payment obligations in a considerable amount in default, dus.net entitled to access the Internet, and any other services that are covered by the contract, to terminate your access to the customer's expense.&nbsp;The payment obligation of the defaulting charges and monthly fees will remain unaffected.&nbsp;If the customer for two consecutive months with the payment of fees in arrears or a substantial portion of these charges whose maturity extends over more than two months, this entitles dus.net the contract without giving notice to terminate.</p> <p>(4) In the event of late payment may dus.net calculated from the respective date of interest of 5% above the base rate of the Deutsche Bundesbank and the European Central Bank.&nbsp;The right to claim higher interest damages remains unaffected.</p> § 16 domains <p>(1) If a contract in the services domain is contained, dus.net this domain back to ordinary or extraordinary termination of the contract of the respective registrar.&nbsp;Thereby relinquishes all rights to the customer in this domain.&nbsp;This applies to all domains registered by the customer during his contract term with dus.net.&nbsp;Once a domain has withdrawn due to disputes or legal injunctions from the availability to the customer is not entitled to a replacement by the customer.</p> <p>(2) The customer can therefore get a domain through an order in dus.net.&nbsp;The final allocation of a domain is dependent on the availability, procurement rules and the regulations of the trademarks and copyrights.&nbsp;If it fails an allocation of a domain due to the aforementioned reasons, the customer is obligated to make any attempts to circumvent these reasons.</p> <p>(3) If a domain object of the contract is dus.net in obtaining and / or maintain the domain in relation to the customer and the respective Registry merely acting as an intermediary.&nbsp;dus.net takes over in the allocation of a domain not guarantee that it is free of third party rights, or will be, and will survive over time.</p> <p>(4) To order a domain, the customer ensures that no third-party rights and / or infringes any trademark, copyright, name, or other rights.&nbsp;The customer is at an unacceptable in this sense, registration, use or application of this domain dus.net, its employees and agents, the relevant authority for domains and other persons involved in the ordering of replacement third party claims.</p> § 17 Voice over IP <p>(1) dus.net VoIP is a DSL provider of independent VoIP tariff is only available at the websites of dus.net GmbH.</p> <p>(2) dus.net VoIP allows customers to other dus.net VoIP connections and established connections in the specifications of public fixed and mobile networks to achieve.&nbsp;The exact Inhält and scope of services is based on the terms of reference for dus.net VolP in the current version.</p> <p>(3) dus.net VoIP is offered by dus.net within the currently technically and operationally feasible.&nbsp;There may be temporary restrictions due to factors beyond the control of dus.net.&nbsp;dus.net assumes no warranty for limitations and interruptions of service, the cause of which lie outside the responsibility of dus.net.</p> <p>(4) The dus.net provides the customer upon request depending on your plan for free or for a fee, one or more local number from the local network is available where the customer has proven to his residence or place of business.&nbsp;The telephone numbers assigned Rufnummernportabilitäsgarantie the subject and can be ported for a consideration of the dus.net to another telecommunications operators.&nbsp;Change of residence or place of business of dus.net are notified immediately.&nbsp;A change of the local network of clients in the loss of the dus.net allocated by then station (s) to follow.&nbsp;Replacing the existing local numbers against the new local network is free of charge in the same amount possible.&nbsp;At termination, the number of refunds due up to that time in connection with the allocation of geographic numbers is not possible.&nbsp;Emergency call functionality is guaranteed for one or more such contracts awarded by dus.net geographic numbers.&nbsp;Use of the emergency call function is of the dus.net but prohibited in a nomadic use of VoIP connection.Moreover, the emergency call functionality compared to a fixed or mobile network connection is limited or not possible.</p> <p>(5) dus.net VoIP should not be misused, especially the customer to refrain from threatening or harassing phone calls.&nbsp;The customer also agrees to forward any information to any illegal or immoral content over dus.net VoIP.&nbsp;These mainly include information used for sedition, encourages crime, glorifying or trivializing violence, sexually offensive or pornographic, or are likely to endanger children and young people morally or threatening their welfare.&nbsp;Otherwise continue to apply the jurisprudence and legislation of the country where the VoIP connection is claimed.</p> <p>(6) The customer agrees, for calls via VoIP to forward with no numbers, when not on a call from the port or terminal has been allocated for this number.</p> <p>(7) The use of the tariff DUStel one is limited to households, where each household only one tariff DUStel allowed.&nbsp;Use a non private purposes is strictly prohibited in any form and has an immediate closing of the tariff by the dus.net GmbH result.&nbsp;The tariff DUStel one has two parallel usable lines, while simultaneously using only one line, the German fixed flat rate applies.&nbsp;The second line will be billed at the specified connection rates.&nbsp;The flat rate includes only the connections, etc. for communication between two people, without zuhillfenahme of automated attendant services&nbsp;is constructed.dus.net reserves in the German fixed network connections that are not established under the aforementioned Bedingungnen to calculate the underlying tariff DUStel one.</p> § 18-off <p>(1) claims against dus.net the customer may only offset undisputed or legally enforceable claims.</p> Confidentiality § 19. Privacy, data security <p>(1) The contractor is hereby notified pursuant to § 33 Section 1 of the German Federal Data Protection Act and § 3 paragraph 5 of the German Teleservices Data Protection Act you that dus.net his address in machine-readable form and duties arising from the contract, computer processing.&nbsp;The customer may at any time, the data stored about his person or his pseudonym charge and at dus.net.</p> <p>(2) dus.net hereby informs the customer to the fact that the privacy of transmissions in open networks such as the Internet, as of this can not be guaranteed.&nbsp;The customer knows that the provider also view more information on the Web server of the customer from a technical perspective at all times.&nbsp;Similarly, other participants in the Internet technically be able to intervene without authorization in the network security and are aware of data and messages, or control its flow.&nbsp;For the safety and security of the data of the customer transfers to the internet or stored on our servers, the customer is entirely responsible.</p> § 20 Other <p>(1) This contract may be transferred with rights and obligations without the express written permission of dus.net to third parties.</p> <p>Dus.net (2) entitles its own network, the backbone and other facilities should be changed at any time.&nbsp;Further changes such as access points or IP addresses are subject to change.&nbsp;dus.net will notify the customer of these changes immediately and this may prompt exclusively to benefit.</p> § 21 Final provisions <p>(1) performance is Dusseldorf, Germany.&nbsp;The exclusive venue for all claims arising from or under this contract, including checks and bills action and all the parties come disputes arising on the formation, handling or termination of the contract - where the customer is a merchant, legal entity under public law or public legal fund - is the respective headquarters of dus.net.&nbsp;dus.net is also entitled to sue the customer at his general place of jurisdiction.</p> <p>(2) For this contract solely by the law of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the Uniform Sales Law (CISG).</p> <p>(3) The obligations under contracts concluded on the basis of these business relationships, are also the beneficiaries of the bound dus.net.&nbsp;If any provision of this Agreement be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.&nbsp;Instead of the invalid provision shall be appropriate to the purpose of the agreement or at least close substitute provision that the parties had agreed to achieve the same economic result if they had known the invalidity of the provision.&nbsp;The same applies to the case of incompleteness of the regulations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>(April 2008)</p> </dd> <dd> <p>&nbsp;</p> General agreement § Principle 1, changes in obligations of the user <p>This agreement (Nuo) is mandatory for all users of the network and dus.net to ensure the highest possible quality of services dus.net.&nbsp;It regulates the responsible quality of network and services and the prohibition of dus.net abuses that affect the usability of the network and services to users in total.The use of modern telecommunication networks is subject to constant technological change and constant change of the legal provisions and reviews.&nbsp;To be fair to these circumstances, it must be the right dus.net subject to review these Nuo constantly and changed if necessary.&nbsp;Http://dus.net/agb Recalling § 1 Conditions of the user is strongly advised to take the respective changes to the Nuo under http://dus.net/agb.php note and observe.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> § 2 compliance with the legal provisions <p>The user is responsible for ensuring that it violates the Terms of dus.net network either with the law or third party rights.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> § 3 Content Principles. minors. copyrights prohibited propaganda <p>In particular the customer the forwarding of data in violation of the Copyright Act of harmful content to minors without adequate safeguards against a leakage of adolescents under 18 years of prohibited or initials, and in particular child pornography and banned political propaganda is prohibited.&nbsp;This applies regardless of whether the user was banned in forwarding data in regard to the contents of the data, or the law.&nbsp;Unless the customer web space dus.net provides, the customer agrees,&nbsp;<br>deposit on the provided web space neither unlawful, nor in any form of criminal services that are offered by him or others, noted or hyperlinks (or similar) to place on such Internet addresses (or contacts), or store in direct or disguised form.&nbsp;The user has to refrain from any form of evasion of law or the Nuo.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> § 4 Technical performance baselines for the use <p>First&nbsp;Network&nbsp;<br>Any unauthorized interference with the integrity of the systems of any kind is prohibited.&nbsp;Spying on track, and unauthorized obtaining or modifying data to other system subscribers and users, no matter what technology is prohibited.&nbsp;The user is not particularly try to circumvent the safety provisions of a foreign host, network or user (colloquially known as "cracking" or "hacking") or to affect these systems in operation.</p> <p>Second&nbsp;Electronic communications. unwanted e-mail&nbsp;<br>Users may not send e-mails to people who do not want a receipt of such e-mails.&nbsp;It is explicitly prohibited such "bulk mail" messages ("junk mail" or "spam mail") to send any kind (commercial advertising, political tracts, announcements, etc.) or this or similar messages to a large number of newsgroups (or similar Send to organized systems) (excessive "cross-posting" or "multiple post", also "USENET spam").&nbsp;Users may not forward or propagate chain letters or malicious content or E-Mails/Postings.&nbsp;The user is forbidden to falsify header information in emails, news articles or amend.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> § 5 violation of the agreement <p>First&nbsp;Data removal. blocking access. liability for damages&nbsp;<br>dus.net reserves the right to remove any material or any data related to the violation and to block your use of the network for one or more users if the user violates despite a prior request for injunctive relief against the continued Nuo.&nbsp;Particularly serious violations may immediately terminate without notice to the user permit.&nbsp;Violators will be, especially if they threaten the reputation and standing dus.net and its services, impair or prevent pursued, while the originating user liable for damages.</p> <p>Second&nbsp;Transfer of data from the user, violation&nbsp;<br>Customers who violate these Nuo can, both criminally and civilly liable to be made.&nbsp;dus.net is legally obligated to support investigations of suspected criminal violations on orders from authorities and forwarded the data to the user prompt the placement of the authorities.&nbsp;A review of the legality of the orders of the authorities by dus.net is not basically.</p> <p>Third&nbsp;Exemption from dus.net by a user&nbsp;<br>The user undertakes to make any claims or actions by third parties as a result of an illegal use of the network by the user, which violates a valid German or international law dus.net, harmless from claims of third parties.&nbsp;The user shall be allocated for the defense and for the acquisition of all costs, damages, court costs, fees (including legal fees) which dus.net due to such third-party claims, liability.&nbsp;The user is informed of any such dus.net against him already existing or impending actions or demands.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> § 6 for more details and updates <p>Changes and technical details of the Nuo are constantly available at http://dus.net/agb.</p> </dd> Start <ul> <li>Orderform</li> <li>Pressreleases</li> <li>Contact</li> <li>Login</li> </ul> Legal infos <ul> <li>About dus.net</li> <li>Imprint / Privacy Statement</li> <li>Terms of Service</li> </ul> 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