This service offers a symbolic but nonbinding statement about a matter of opinion, ethics, society, or politics

If a service expresses a worldview antithetical to the user’s, that is a good signal that they should not use the service. Or conversely, if the service expresses an uncommonly-held belief that the user agrees with and thinks is relevant to the service-user relationship and/or important, they may wish to use that to choose between otherwise comparable services.

Classification: good

Weight: 25

Service Title Rating Status Author "We believe that in order to be welcoming and open, and to get good work done, our community needs to be healthy and committed to a set of shared, basic principles, some of which are articulated in this document as policies." DECLINED arlo Staff "It's fine to criticize ideas, and indeed we support forming groups around topics like "anti-nuclear power" or "pro-nuclear power". But we will never tolerate the use of this platform to spread hatred." APPROVED arlo Staff
Startpage "We believe privacy is a fundamental human right.&nbsp;<br> </strong> </em> <strong>With Startpage you can search and browse the internet privately.&nbsp;</strong> <strong>Not because you have something to hide, but because you have a lot to protect!</strong> </p> <p>Protecting your privacy is all about having control over your data. At, we help you control and protect what’s yours:&nbsp;</p> <p> <em>It’s Your Data. Not Big Data" APPROVED Peepo Staff
ToS;DR "The project has a code of conduct and strives for a welcoming community <p>You acknowledge that the ToS;DR project strives for a welcoming community and, therefore, you commit to comply with the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.</p>" DECLINED hugo Staff
Job Accomodation Network "<p>JAN is committed to ensuring that its site is accessible to all users. The JAN Website conforms to existing recommendations and standards.</p> Accessibility <p>JAN attempts to make its information accessible to all individuals, including individuals who use assistive technology. First and foremost, JAN's Website is designed to accommodate individuals with cognitive, motor, and sensory limitations. Alt-text tags, captioning, and other features identify images or their functions." DECLINED Dr_Jeff Staff
Patreon "The security of your personal information is important to us." DECLINED arlo Staff
National Geographic "<p>National Geographic activities and services will be legally and ethically conducted&nbsp;by&nbsp;treating&nbsp;employees, environments, and cultures with respect. We will&nbsp;minimize negative environmental&nbsp;impacts and greenhouse gas emissions by seeking local, organic, and sustainably-sourced&nbsp;resources, using recycled and recyclable content when possible, and minimizing waste of energy,&nbsp;water, food, and other resources." APPROVED Peepo Staff
TV Tropes TV Tropes provides information about its attitude towards ethical, social or political problems or controversies DECLINED Mixer "<p>Don’t confuse pro privacy, pro anonymity, pro free-speech with us offering a “free for all”." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ToS;DR "ToS;DR aims to promote transparency, as the discussions around the terms of service for various web sites occur in public and are subject to debate and review by everyone" APPROVED arlo Staff
BitChute "We define abhorrent violence as real-life non-consensual acts of kidnapping, attempted murder, murder, mutilation, rape or torture.</p> <p>Any individuals, organisations or other entities that are engaged in abhorrent violence are not permitted to have a presence on the platform.</p> <p>Any material that is produced by, endorsing, promoting or empowering individuals, organisations or any other entity engaging in abhorrent violence is not permitted and will not be tolerated on the platform.</p>" DECLINED AgnesDeLion Staff
Mapillary "We love open source!" DECLINED arlo Staff
Mapillary " We love open source!" APPROVED arlo Staff
Metager "For maximum transparency, we list the information we collect from you and how we use it. The protection of your data is important to us and it should be you, too. <br> <strong>Please read this statement thoroughly. it is in your interest.</strong> Person responsible and contact person MetaGer and related services are operated by SUMA-EV, which is also the author of this statement. By "we" in this statement usually SUMA-EV is meant. <br>Our contact details can be found in our site notice. We can be reached by e-mail at Principles As a non-profit organization, we have committed ourselves to free access to knowledge. Since we know that free research is not compatible with mass surveillance, we also take privacy very seriously. " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Parler "Parler endeavors to allow all free speech that is lawful and does not infringe the legal ,rights of others." APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Manjaro Linux "</p> <p>It is not our goal to make Manjaro a distro free of proprietary software, like Trisquel or gNewSense. While you can use Manjaro without non-free software, our repositories also contain non-free software you can install. So, while it will always be possible to have a Manjaro with free software only, we will ship any software we can as long as our users ask for it and our packagers are willing to prepare it for them." APPROVED welda Curator " No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, casteism<br>" APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
ClassDojo "sponsibility we take seriously, so we encourage you to review our Website Privacy Policy. <strong>This Website Privacy Policy does not apply to any products or services we have, or to the operation of the ClassDojo Service and associate" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Firefox Cloud Services "At Mozilla, we believe that privacy is fundamental to a healthy internet." APPROVED private prawn Curator
Brilliant " Brilliant Worldwide, Inc. ("Brilliant") knows that you care about how your personal information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously." DECLINED private prawn Curator
Photomath "<p>We wish to remind you that Photomath is an educational tool and should be used as aid and learning tool. Using it for cheating on exams or homework will primarily hurt you, as you will not properly learn math and math thinking. Be smart and use it only for your advancements in math learning. Not cheating" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Jami " At Jami, we think that privacy is a primary right on the internet. Everybody should be free not to give its data to corporations to benefit from an essential service on the internet. We know better than anyone else why personal information is sensitive, what our responsibility is to protect it, and what our duties are.</p> " APPROVED AgnesDeLion Staff
Chegg "You agree to abide by our Honor Code.</p> <p>You may not use any of the solutions, answers, materials or information available on or through the Services, to cheat." APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda "This code of conduct outlines our expectations for participants within the community, as well as steps for reporting unacceptable behaviour. We are committed to providing a welcoming and inspiring community for all, and expect our code of conduct to be honoured. Anyone who violates this code of conduct may be banned from the community.</p>" DECLINED lr19_
Open Humans "Sharing data is critical to scientific progress, but has been hampered by traditional research practices. Our approach is to invite willing participants to share their personal data for the greater good. Open Humans strives to make this possible by helping connect researchers and participants who wish to share data with each other." APPROVED arlo Staff
AllSides This service offers a symbolic but nonbinding statement about a matter of opinion, ethics, society, or politics APPROVED Hantalyte
Telegram "What are your thoughts on internet privacy? <p>Big internet companies like Facebook or Google have effectively hijacked the privacy discourse in the recent years. Their marketers managed to convince the public that the most important things about privacy are superficial tools that allow hiding your public posts from the people around you. Adding these superficial tools enables companies to calm down the public and change nothing in how they are turning over private data to marketers and other third parties.</p> <p>At Telegram we think that the two most important components of Internet privacy should be instead:</p> <ol> <li>Protecting your private conversations from snooping third parties, such as officials, employers, etc.</li> <li>Protecting your personal data from third parties, such as marketers, advertisers, etc.</li> </ol> <p>This is what everybody should care about, and these are some of our top priorities." QUOTE NOT FOUND AgnesDeLion Staff
Uber The service provides information about its attitude towards ethical, social or political problems or controversies APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
DeepL "Protecting your privacy and personal data is very important to us." QUOTE NOT FOUND arlo Staff

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