Only aggregate data is given to third parties

The Service only shares your information in an aggregated form, which means an anonymized form that can't be linked to a unique identity.

Classification: neutral

Weight: 10

Service Title Rating Status Author
IBM "We combine the personal information we collect to develop aggregate analysis and business intelligence for conducting our business and for marketing purposes. " DECLINED import script Bot
Netflix Non-personal info can be disclosed in any way. DECLINED import script Bot
BitDefender "Most of these data is being used only as aggregated data. " APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Startpage "How we have implemented truly anonymous analytics</strong> </p> <p> <em>We only count aggregate numbers" APPROVED Esmooth Curator
HQ "We may continue to disclose such content to third parties in a manner that does not reveal Personal Information, as described in this Privacy Policy.</p> " APPROVED Chew Suspended
IKEA "We also disclose non-private, deidentified, aggregate or otherwise non-personal information with third parties, including social media companies like Facebook and Twitter, and online advertising companies like Google, to deliver targeted advertising about other products and services for marketing purposes." APPROVED kkylemr Curator
Steam "On this website, IP anonymization has been activated. The IP addresses of users visiting Steam will be shortened. Only in exceptional cases will a complete IP address be transferred to a Google server in the United States and shortened there" APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
mint "Intuit may make anonymous or aggregate personal information and disclose such data only in a non-personally identifiable manner to:</p> <ul> <li>Advertisers and other third parties for their marketing and promotional purposes, such as the number of users who applied for a credit card or how many users clicked on a particular Intuit Offer;</li> <li>Organizations approved by Intuit that conduct research into consumer spending. and</li> <li>Users of the Service for purposes of comparison of their personal financial situation relative to the broader community.</li> </ul> <p>Such information does not identify you individually." DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
TV Tropes "Aggregate cookie and tracking information may be shared with third parties." APPROVED Dr_Jeff Staff
Bose "We may use third-party web analytics services (such as those of Google Analytics, Crashlytics, Mixpanel, Flurry, Brightcove, Localytics and Bazaarvoice) on our Services to collect and analyze usage information through cookies and similar tools. engage in auditing, research, or reporting. assist with fraud prevention. and provide certain features to you. " DECLINED cloudtester
tinyurl "We may share aggregated information, Non-Identifying Information and Log Data with third parties for industry analysis and demographic profiling and to deliver targeted advertising about other products and services." DECLINED napen123
DeviantArt "We may share PII as well as aggregated information and non-identifying information that we collect with third party service providers whose services and solutions complement, facilitate and enhance our own. These include hosting and server co-location services, communications and content delivery networks (CDNs), data and cyber security services, billing and payment processing services, fraud detection and prevention services, industry analysis, demographic profiling, web analytics, e-mail distribution and monitoring services, session recording and remote access services, performance measurement, data optimisation and marketing services, content providers, and our legal and financial advisors (collectively, "<strong>Third Party Services</strong" APPROVED napen123
Alzforum "We do disclose aggregated data to our sponsors and co-branded partners to generate reports and marketing research. For example, we tell funding agencies how many people visit the Site or specific parts of the Site. Where available, we may offer additional information about viewer characteristics. However this does not include personally identifiable information about you or your online usage patterns.</p> " APPROVED 281587887a Curator
Microsoft Services "We may also share some aggregated, de-identified diagnostic data, such as general usage trends for Windows apps and features, with selected third parties." DECLINED lerichardson
The VG Resource "We may provide aggregate information, such as demographic, psychographic, and page viewing preference information to third parties as we deem appropriate." APPROVED reikousami Curator
Firefox Cloud Services "We also share aggregated data about the sponsored content you see and click" APPROVED private prawn Curator
Mine "We only share Personal Data with third parties in connection with the provision of the services to our users" DECLINED sander732 "We may share data that is not personally identifiable with third parties." APPROVED private prawn Curator "ทั้งนี้ข้อมูลที่ทาง จัดเก็บนั้นจะไม่ถูกนำไปเผยแพร่ต่อบุคคลที่สามในลักษณะที่จะสามารถระบุตัวบุคคลผู้เข้าใช้งานได้" DECLINED MoeTsundere Suspended
Tumblr "We may share or disclose non-private information, Aggregate Information, or other non-personally identifying information with people and entities that we do business with." APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
McGraw Hill "McGraw Hill reserves the right to disclose to third parties non-personally identifiable information about our users and their use of the McGraw Hill websites and related services. For example, McGraw Hill may disclose aggregate data about the overall patterns or demographics of the users of the McGraw Hill websites to third parties.</p> " DECLINED ThisIsLiz Curator "We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any personal identification information regarding visitors and users with our business partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes outlined above.</p> " APPROVED ThisIsLiz Curator
Oceanhero Only aggregate data is given to third parties APPROVED Explosion "We may share anonymous, aggregate statistics with outside parties, such as how many people listen to a particular podcast with Overcast.</p>" APPROVED NylaTheWolf
Jsbin "Only aggregated, anonymised data is periodically transmitted to external services to help us improve the JS Bin Website and service" APPROVED Rionnane
SourceForge "We may sell, rent or lease statistical information based on this data to advertisers, users, and other current and potential business partners. " DECLINED (deactivated) Suspended
Psiphon "Again, only anonymized shareable aggregated data is ever shared with third parties" APPROVED Agnes_De_Lion Staff
OsmAnd "Certain parts of non-personalized data can be shared with the partners of the Company" APPROVED EarldridgeJazzedPineda
Blooket "We may share aggregated, non-personally identifiable information publicly, including with users, partners or the press in order to, for example, demonstrate how Blooket is used, spot industry trends, or to provide marketing materials for Blooket. Any aggregated information shared this way will not contain any personal information." APPROVED rahulwavare
Getaround "We may aggregate, anonymize, or otherwise strip data of all personally identifying characteristics and may share that anonymized and/or aggregated data with third parties, in a manner that cannot reasonably identify any individual. &nbsp;For example, we may share de-identified location data and location history with third parties that analyze location and movement trends, and we may share information that would identify a particular &nbsp;as well as the driving history, and general demographics of the drivers (i.e., gender and age bracket) of that car in order to analyze, develop and improve our partner programs.</p>" APPROVED frohlich_ssme
DiscourseHosting " We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any personal identification information regarding visitors and users with our business partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes outlined above." APPROVED user 104 Curator "We will provide only aggregated data from these analyses to third parties." APPROVED (deactivated) Suspended
Pocket "We also share aggregated, non-personal data and related usage information, which does not contain any personal information which can identify you or any other individual user, with third parties, including content providers, website operators, advertisers and publishers." APPROVED Sandova
BitTorrent "BitTorrent collects queries for internal reporting and targeted advertising. We also count, track, and aggregate the visitor's activity into our analysis of general traffic flows at our Sites (e.g. tracking where traffic comes from, how traffic flows within the websites, etc.). To these ends, we may merge information about you into group data, which may then be shared on an aggregated basis with our advertisers.</p" APPROVED Quinn
Target "These companies use non-identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over, hardware/software information, cookie and session ID) and personally identifiable information (e.g., static IP address) during your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These parties typically use a cookie, web beacon or other similar tracking technologies to collect this information. Target adheres to the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) self-regulatory principles for IBA." APPROVED Ardent_drub
Spotible "and may share aggregated non-personally identifiable information-" DECLINED Deveroonie Curator
Discadia "We may disclose anonymized statistics to third parties and business partners at our discretion." PENDING EarldridgeJazzedPineda

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